Acknowledgement of Country

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of Country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay our respects to the people, the cultures, and elders past and present, including within the department, in our communities and among those we collaborate with to deliver our work.
Wording within this document
Throughout this document, the term ‘First Nations’ is used and refers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples unless otherwise stated.
Cultural sensitivity advice
First Nations people should be aware that this document may contain the names and images of people who have passed away.

Secretary’s introduction
The department supports people in Australia to have safe, secure and well-paid work with the skills for a sustainable future.
The employment, skills and workplace relations systems are highly interconnected and traverse key labour market levers. Reflecting the significant scope for complementary action across and between these systems, the department is uniquely positioned to shape Australia’s current and future labour market and to drive productivity, inclusivity, and individual, social and environmental wellbeing. Our department’s programs support the Australian Government’s vision of full and inclusive employment.
We are working collaboratively across governments and with key stakeholders on key government priorities such as reforms to international education, implementing the Australian Universities Accord, employment services reform, the Net Zero transformation and improving women's equality and career opportunities.
Closing the Gap – The department remains committed to overcoming the entrenched inequality faced by First Nations people. In 2024–25 we will continue to embed the Closing the Gap priority reforms into our core functions through our Closing the Gap Strategy. We will implement key initiatives to improve the labour market prospects and outcomes of First Nations people, including a new service to support the transition from prison to work for First Nations people and by extending Broome Employment Services. We are investing in the 4 Priority Reforms outlined in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. A top priority is working with our First Nations providers and peak organisations to improve our commissioning and service delivery models in order to encourage more First Nations organisations to deliver services on our behalf. We are also working to ensure all our service providers can demonstrate cultural proficiency in working with First Nations people.
Employment services reform – We are advising the government on reforming the employment services system to reflect the vision in the Employment white paper and taking into account the Rebuilding Employment Services report. These reforms will create a more responsive system that actively supports meaningful participation and secure and sustainable employment outcomes, with support designed to fit the needs of the individual.
An immediate priority is implementing changes to the employment services system announced in the 2024–25 Budget. The changes address pressing issues in employment services and are an incremental step towards larger scale reform. This includes better recognising individuals’ circumstances in the mutual obligations required of them, strengthening the mechanisms through which participants can raise concerns and complaints about their employment service provider and trialling more targeted use of wage subsidies. The 2024–25 Budget changes build on the work already underway, including to implement Parent Pathways, a new voluntary pre-employment service for parents, and undertake employment services trials.
Investing in a Future Made in Australia – We are making new investments in our skills and training system so it can continue to address skills shortages and build the strong and highly skilled workforce to deliver what is needed to support the government’s Future Made in Australia agenda. We will use the levers available in our workplace relations, skills and employment systems to support new industries and support communities and regions that are most impacted by the net zero transformation.
Skilling our future workforce – The department continues to work with state and territory governments under the National Skills Agreement to support a strengthened vocational education and training ( ) sector.
We are funding the delivery of 20,000 additional Fee-free TAFE places in 2024–25 and increasing access to pre-apprenticeship programs in courses relevant to the construction sector.
We are supporting apprenticeships in key occupations through a range of financial payments to assist apprentices and employers.
The Australian Apprenticeship Support Services, and the Apprentice Connect Australia provider network, are delivering a range of personalised services and supports to help apprentices and employers over the life of their apprenticeship. This includes making sure apprentices are set up for success from the beginning, through the early identification of potential barriers to completion, and by providing mentoring support services to better meet their needs.
We will also pilot a reimbursement program for small and medium businesses taking on clean energy, construction and manufacturing apprentices through Group Training Organisations.
Women’s equality and opportunities – We are supporting the government’s women’s equality agenda in 2024–25. This includes assisting women to enter well-paid careers through pathways and addressing gender segregation by removing barriers to women’s participation in traditionally male occupations. We are also implementing the new voluntary pre-employment service for eligible parents of young children, Parent Pathways.
We are scrutinising employment services program data with a gender lens to identify and better understand whether and how gender impacts on the support and outcomes for women in the system.
Supporting women’s economic equality is a key objective of the government’s Secure Jobs, Better Pay and Closing Loopholes laws. Building on the review of awards in the care sector, in 2024–25, we will lead the government’s participation in the Fair Work Commission’s review of gender undervaluation in priority awards.
Workplace relations and work health and safety laws – We are supporting the implementation of significant recent changes to the workplace relations and work health and safety frameworks arising from the Secure Jobs, Better Pay, Protecting Worker Entitlements and closing loopholes legislative packages, as well as the importation ban on engineered stone. We are consulting with stakeholders to develop relevant guidance, codes of practice and regulations that will support the effective operation of these reforms.
How we work – In implementing measures and programs, the department focuses on public service stewardship and upholding the values. All senior leaders in the department are guided by the Secretaries Charter of Leadership behaviours to be Dynamic, be Respectful, have Integrity, Value others, and Empower people. The department is undertaking a program of work to transform how we work, increase capability, and enhance our ability to deliver for the government and the Australian people.
It is crucial that our department reflects the communities we serve. Fostering a truly inclusive workplace, we are committed to supporting gender diversity and to increasing the representation of First Nations people, individuals from cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and people with disabilities, including in leadership positions. The department is prioritising embedding the Strategic Commissioning Framework in our practice and reducing our reliance on external labour.
Leveraging data – We are leveraging data and technology to strengthen the evidence base that supports skills on employment and workplace relations activities. The Chief Data Officer, working with the Data Governance Committee, will continue to implement the department’s Data Strategy 2024–27 priorities, build on our data governance foundations, enhance our data capabilities and integrate our data with other government data assets to provide a much richer source of insights and analysis.
Through the Chief Data Officer, we will continue engaging across government to influence the direction of whole-of-government data initiatives, including Governance of Indigenous Data, the Disability Strategy and the Women’s Economic Agenda.
Statement of preparation
As the Accountable Authority of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, I present the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Corporate Plan for the reporting period 2024–25, which covers the period 2024–25 to 2027–28 as required under section 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 ( ).
Natalie James
August 2024
Our purpose
Figure 1.1: The Department’s outcome statements, programs and key activities
We support people in Australia to have safe, secure and well-paid work with the skills for a sustainable future.
Outcome 1 | Outcome 2 | Outcome 3 |
Our outcome statements | ||
Foster a productive and competitive labour market through policies and programs that assist job seekers into work, including secure work, and meet employer and industry needs. | Promote growth in economic productivity and social wellbeing through access to quality skills and training. | Facilitate jobs growth, including secure work, through policies and programs that promote fair, productive and safe workplaces. |
Our programs and key activities | ||
Program 1.1 – Employment Services Key activities
| Program 2.1 – Building Skills and Capability Key activities
Program 2.2 – Student Loans Key activities
Program 2.3 – Nuclear-powered Submarine Program Key activities
| Program 3.1 – Workplace Support Key activities
Note: Program 3.2 listed in the Employment and Workplace Relations 2024–25 Portfolio Budget Statements covers the Comcare workers’ compensation scheme and is managed by Comcare. Comcare reports against this program and associated performance measures in its annual report.
Our portfolio
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations supports 2 ministers and an assistant minister. We work closely with Jobs and Skills Australia, the Student Identifiers Registrar and statutory officers and statutory bodies within our portfolio in meeting our policy, program and regulatory responsibilities and delivering improved outcomes for the government and the community.
Figure 1.2: The Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio
Figure 1.2 shows the relationship between our responsible Ministers, the Department, and other agencies within the portfolio. The Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio’s responsible Ministers are:
- The Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Senator the Honourable Murray Watt
- The Minister for Skills and Training, the Honourable Andrew Giles MP
- The Assistant Minister for Employment, the Honourable Doctor Andrew Leigh MP
The Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio is led by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations which supports the Statutory Officers of Jobs and Skills Australia and the Student Identifiers Registrar.
The Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio includes the following non-corporate Commonwealth entities:
- the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency
- the Australian Skills Quality Authority
- the Fair Work Commission
- the Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman
- Safe Work Australia
- and the Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority (also known as Seacare Authority)
The Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio also includes the following corporate Commonwealth entities:
- the Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Corporation
- and Comcare
Jobs and Skills Australia's work plan is on the Jobs and Skills Australia website. Annual reports for both Jobs and Skills Australia and the Student Identifiers Registrar are required by legislation to be included in the department’s annual report.
Note: Comcare provides support through expert advice and services to the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission and the Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority (Seacare Authority).
Our operating environment

Our environment
As stewards of the labour market, we operate at the intersection of economic and social policy. Our operating environment presents challenges and opportunities for the department to progress our work of supporting people in Australia to have safe, secure and well-paid work with the skills for a sustainable future.
The outlook continues to present challenges and opportunities
Social exclusion, economic vulnerability, and inequality continue to present barriers to people finding decent work and building their human capital.
The 2024–25 Budget outlook for Australia’s economy was for subdued growth over the forecast period. Economic growth has slowed in Australia and many other advanced economies, in response to elevated inflation, disruptions to supply chains, and higher interest rates.
While Australians have experienced significant increases in the cost of living, inflation has now moderated. The costs of housing, particularly rental pressures, remain high but are expected to ease gradually.
The labour market has been resilient, with unemployment near its historical low and the participation rate near its record high. While unemployment is expected to remain low by historical standards, the labour market has softened and will continue to do so. There are some groups that have employment rates well below the national average, including First Nations people, people with disability, single mothers, and migrants from particular regions. There are also significant differences between regional labour markets. The persistently high unemployment experienced in some remote and regional areas, especially in northern Australia, is exacerbated by limited employment options, the lack of support services, and entrenched disadvantage, as noted in Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities.
Nominal wages growth has been the fastest in nearly 15 years, driven by the recent strength in the labour market and by administered wage decisions, including the Fair Work Commission’s annual wage reviews and the aged care work value case. Administered wage decisions are expected to continue to support wages growth in the near term, and the government has announced funding for a 15% wage increase for early childhood education and care workers. Real wages growth has returned and is expected to continue across the Budget forecast horizon. The government has made wages growth a priority, balancing improvements in conditions with reforms to support wage increases.
The gender pay gap has encouragingly narrowed to an historical low. Women continue to work more part-time hours than men and are more likely than men to be engaged on a casual basis, be on minimum and award wages, and have caring responsibilities. The department will lead the government’s participation in the Fair Work Commission’s review of gender undervaluation in priority awards.
Australia’s commitment to reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and the government’s commitment to 82% renewable energy by 2030, are transforming our economy and impacting workers, industries and communities. The use of artificial intelligence ( ) is becoming more prevalent and has further implications for the labour market and skills acquisition. Many Australians have changed where and how they work, with more engaged in hybrid and remote work since the disruptions of COVID-19.
Net overseas migration is forecast to approximately halve in 2024–25 relative to 2022–23, as at the 2024–25 Budget. This reduction is partly driven by government actions under the Migration Strategy, which include improvements to the integrity, standing and reputation of Australia’s sector.
We are responding to this environment by prioritising being evidence-based, and engaging with experts and those who are impacted by our policies and programs. Focusing on evidence and on-the-ground experience enables us to develop policies and programs that are appropriately flexible and integrated so that they can respond to evolving, persistent and emerging labour market challenges.
Supporting the government to respond to key priorities
Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities outlines the government’s vision for a stronger, fairer and more inclusive economy, including employment services reform. Based on these principles, the department will support the government to create a responsive employment services system that actively promotes meaningful participation and secure and sustainable employment of people, as well as meeting the workforce needs of employers and industry. This includes building and embedding more active stewardship in the employment services system, alongside a range of providers and delivery partners. We will focus on a greater role for community organisations such as social enterprises and First Nations community-controlled organisations. These priorities reflect the government’s response to the final report of the House of Representatives Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services.
In February 2024, the Productivity Commission delivered its first report on the first review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, which concluded that progress has fallen short of expectations. It found that governments have not grasped the scale of change required to meet the commitments in the national agreement, and that greater ambition and effort are required. This plan details the department’s commitment to Closing the Gap.
The government has commissioned the Strategic Review of the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System to ensure that incentives and other non-financial support for apprenticeships are designed to optimise completion rates and address skill shortages to provide the skilled workers needed for Australia’s growing economy. The report of the review is expected to be delivered to the government in late 2024.
The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme sits at the intersection of multiple government objectives. It is central to migration reform and Australia’s foreign policy efforts in the Pacific and Timor-Leste. It also supports the government’s measures to address the unskilled, low-skilled and semi-skilled workforce shortages in agriculture, and food and fibre processing nationally and in rural and regional parts of Australia in a range of sectors. systems and processes will facilitate transparency and accountability and will drive business improvements.
On 11 June 2024, the Public Service Amendment Act 2024 received Royal Assent. The Act provides for changes to build the capability and expertise of the and strengthen the ’s core values, including a new value of stewardship.
The department is focused on delivering programs, services and advice to meet the expectations of the government and the Australian people, underpinned by a framework and culture of integrity. This includes embedding the Strategic Commissioning Framework in our operating model while at the same time continuing to increase our economic and data capabilities to enhance our ability to deliver our programs and services.
Our commitment to Closing the Gap
The department remains committed to working with First Nations Australia, governments, and non-government partners to help overcome the entrenched inequality faced by First Nations people. In 2024–25 we will continue to embed the Closing the Gap priority reforms into our core functions. This includes releasing and implementing our Closing the Gap Strategy, which will assist all departmental staff to take action by encouraging innovative approaches that promote a connected, collaborative way of working with First Nations people. We will also incorporate an assessment of Closing the Gap priority reform implementation into our standard internal audit criteria. These initiatives demonstrate the department’s commitment to addressing the key findings of the Productivity Commission’s recent review of government progress on implementing the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
As a department that was created in 2022, has been working to develop its first Reconciliation Action Plan ( ), which will be launched in late 2024. Our Working Group developed the draft in consultation with our First Nations Employee Network and other key stakeholders across the department. The will help to ensure that our organisation is safe, inclusive and innovative, and that it builds greater understanding of and respect for the self-determination, resilience, strength, contribution and place of First Nations people and cultures in Australia. It will help us develop deep and collaborative relationships with First Nations people and organisations and to draw on their wisdom and lived experience, supporting our efforts to help close the gap. We will assist our staff to build their cultural responsiveness and we will create communities of practice to share our stories and learnings.
We are tightening our business planning processes and Senior Executive Service performance agreement practices to ensure Closing the Gap remains a key priority for everyone.
We will continue to work with First Nations peak bodies to support them to build their capacity to represent First Nations interests across the training and employment sectors. We will engage with peak bodies and First Nations owned and operated service providers as we embark on further reforms to employment services and implement the National Skills Agreement, for which Closing the Gap is a national priority with a focus on building genuine First Nations policy partnerships.
We are reviewing our frameworks for commissioning services to the community to help ensure First Nations organisations can deliver services on our behalf in meaningful ways which help them, their communities and their clients to prosper.
In 2024–25 we will develop new ways to share our data holdings with First Nations organisations and communities and we will support them to build their capacity to access and analyse the data for their own purposes. We will continue to work closely with Jobs and Skills Australia to deepen the evidence base with respect to First Nations participation and workforce matters.
By implementing the redesigned Skills for Education and Employment program, we are expanding access to free English language, literacy, numeracy and digital skills training. This includes introducing a new dedicated grant to provide specific place-based and First Nations-led support for up to 2,000 people per year.
Building on the Time to Work Employment Service, we will implement a new program to improve the transition from the justice system to work for First Nations people. We are partnering with the recently established National Indigenous Employment and Training Alliance on the design and implementation of the new program.
We are co-designing and establishing a network of Remote Training Hubs in partnership with Central Australian communities and the Northern Territory Government. We have extended Broome Employment Services until June 2027 to continue delivering an innovative, place-based approach to employment servicing, where personnel work in partnership with the First Nations service provider.
Ways we work

How we work
In 2024–25, the department will focus on areas of capability, governance and planning to transform how we work, aligning priorities with effort and enhancing our ability to deliver for the government and the Australian people. This work aims to align the existing, interconnected activities across the department to support an increasingly collaborative, adaptive and efficient organisation. It seeks to enable staff at all levels to contribute to ongoing positive change and innovation in the delivery of our work. Our delivery principles and leadership values will guide this work.
Our vision for our future workforce is to be inclusive, curious, collaborative, adaptable and high-performing to realise our purpose. We aim to set the standard, as a model employer, for engaging, meaningful work that puts inclusivity and employee wellbeing at the centre of what we do.
Our governance
The department’s governance framework (Figure 2.1) supports the Secretary, as the accountable authority, in her discharge of duties under the by providing a mechanism for oversight, transparency and collaboration in decision-making while supporting the department in achieving its purpose and key activities.
Our focus for 2024–25 is to implement changes arising from an internal governance review to ensure our governance operating model continues to enable effective decision-making and management oversight and further embeds effective governance practices throughout the department.
Each group in the department – Corporate and Enabling Services; Workplace Relations; Skills and Training; and Employment and Workforce – also has internal governance arrangements in place to manage its policy and program deliverables.
Figure 2.1: Our governance framework
Figure 2.1 shows the Secretary of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, as the accountable authority, has the following reporting to them:
- The Executive Board,
- And the Audit and Risk Committee.
The Executive Board has the following Committees reporting to it:
- The People, Culture and Engagement Committee
- Strategy and Priorities Committee
- Delivery and Change Committee and
- the Risk Committee.
The Executive Board is provided advice, for their information, from:
- The Audit and Risk Committee.
The Audit and Risk Committee is provided advice, for their information, from:
- The Risk Committee.
Our integrity
The department remains committed to implementing the public sector integrity reform agenda. Our Integrity Unit continues to support a robust, holistic and proactive approach to integrity across the department and helps ensure we comply with our obligations and public expectations.
A pro-integrity culture is pivotal to public service. We have educated our staff, contractors and service providers in relation to their roles, responsibilities and protections concerning integrity and performance.
In June 2024 we launched our Integrity Framework. With the aid of an independent Integrity Advisor, we developed the Integrity Framework on a foundation of Commonwealth integrity legislation, frameworks and policies. It provides guidance for staff and supports the policies and procedures that help create our pro-integrity culture. We also have clear policies to manage conflicts of interest and to guide transparency in decision-making.
The department responds to integrity matters rigorously. We proactively encourage staff, providers and members of the public to report all integrity issues, such as matters relating to fraud and corruption. Reports can be submitted through our electronic reporting tool, which enables informants to engage in ongoing, anonymous dialogue with investigators.
The department will continue to monitor and improve its integrity policies, processes and frameworks.
Our cooperation and partnerships
We are committed to engaging genuinely and maintaining meaningful relationships with partners and stakeholders. We work with people with lived experience, non-government organisations, communities, service providers, businesses, and other government agencies at all levels to develop, manage and deliver evidence-based policies, programs and systems to support businesses, industries and individuals. Our partnership approach in working with First Nations peoples is maturing and will continue to be a strong focus for the department – embedding the Closing the Gap priority reforms in the way we work. Using collective wisdom and broader perspectives is key to devising creative policy and program solutions to complex problems.
We continue to mature practices across the department to better connect with stakeholders effectively, work collaboratively, reduce duplication and build in efficiencies. We are incorporating additional tools to support our goals in genuine engagement.
Over the course of this plan, our approach will include:
- working in partnership with First Nations people on Closing the Gap and other initiatives
- seeking opportunities to co-design better policies and programs, including better understanding the user perspective and working with the people most affected by our services to shape employment services reform
- facilitating and supporting ongoing consultation on the implementation of workplace relations reforms, together with employer groups, unions, and other key stakeholders
- shifting the way governments work together, such as the shared stewardship model under the National Skills Agreement, supporting governments to work collaboratively and purposefully towards priorities
- embedding and participating in tripartite governance and practices, making sure perspectives of both workers and industry are integral to our institutional frameworks
- working with Australian Government departments, government representatives from partner countries and other international stakeholders to operationalise the . This strategic approach supports economic development in partner countries and addresses labour shortages in Australia
- engaging internationally through overseas posts, bilateral partnerships, and multilateral forums in alignment with the government’s commitments and in support of our priorities.
It is critical that our work reflects our diverse communities. Respectful, innovative and dynamic partnerships, and placing the needs of those we serve first, are essential components of our approach. We thank our social and academic partners for their continued willingness to engage deeply with us, to help ensure our policies, programs and initiatives are informed by lived-experience, local and industry knowledge, and best practice expertise.
We are committed to engaging genuinely and maintaining meaningful relationships with partners and stakeholders.
Figure 2.2: Our cooperation
Figure 2.2 represents the Department’s stakeholder engagement.
At the centre of the Department of Employment and Workplace relations stakeholder engagement is the Australian people. Across the work that the department does in skills and training, employment, and workplace relations, it engages diverse perspectives and those with lived experience. Stakeholders include:
- First Nations
- Community
- Academics
- Program participants
- Employees
- Service providers
- Employers
- Business
- Industry
- International
- Unions
- Advocacy groups
- Peak bodies
- Regulators
- Government (federal, state and territory)
- Ministers
Our corporate strategies and operations
The department’s corporate strategies, plans, frameworks and operations are central to our ability to undertake our key activities and achieve our purpose. This includes supporting our ministers, our people and the Australian public by effectively and efficiently managing:
- resources, including people, infrastructure and finances
- information, communications and digital technologies and solutions
- security, legal, risk, integrity and assurance matters
- research, analysis and data.
We are transforming our corporate capabilities to improve how we deliver on our purpose. We make connections across the department and partner with policy and program areas to help them develop and deliver integrated policy and services.
In addition to supporting the department, we provide core ICT services to 8 partner agencies. We also support several partner agencies in the design, build and maintenance of client-facing digital systems.
We strive to lead the way in cultivating a safe, secure and capable workforce. Our people are core to our successful delivery of government priorities that enrich Australian communities.
Our People Strategy 2024–27 sets out our vision for an inclusive, curious, collaborative, adaptable and high-performing workforce. The strategy organises our initiatives to attract, grow and retain talent across 4 people pillars:
Our Strategic Workforce Plan 2023–26 defines our workforces of today and tomorrow and maps the road between them. The department’s outcomes and expectations are being shaped by political, economic, social and technological shifts at pace and scale.
While the current pace of change is the fastest ever experienced, it is likely to be the slowest we will experience in the years to come. By embracing new ways of working, our workforce will remain skilled, capable and ready to respond to the evolving needs of the government and the Australian public.
Over the life of the Strategic Workforce Plan, we will build on its strong foundations to cultivate a more diverse and dynamic workforce. We will build leaders at all levels to foster inclusion, stewardship, integrity and accountability. We will be exemplars in collaboration and co-design, partnering with stakeholders and connecting with communities.
We continue to progress a range of initiatives to develop our workforce, informed by our People Strategy and our Strategic Workforce Plan. These include:
- implementing our first enterprise agreement and associated policies and guidelines
- finalising our Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan, which will articulate our commitment to attract, grow, retain and harness the diversity of our people
- continuing to attract and retain talent by leveraging our national footprint and our posture on flexible work
- developing a workplace strategy that sets out a contemporary work design for our people, place and technology functions
- delivering on our culture program by embedding our culture statement and employee value proposition to build on the TeamDEWR ethos and culture
- implementing our Innovate to advance reconciliation across our workforce
- investing in capability development, with a focus on growing our leaders of today and tomorrow, high-performing hybrid teams, and cultural and psychological safety
- developing a reward and recognition framework to recognise and celebrate our people and their achievements
- refining our recruitment and onboarding experience to ensure new starters feel welcome, valued and inspired to achieve results
- continuing to engage and consult with our people through our People, Culture and Engagement Committee, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee, Consultative Committee, Work Health and Safety Committee, and diversity networks.
Note: The plans, frameworks and strategies referenced throughout this document will be reviewed and updated over the 4 year period covered by this corporate plan.
Figure 2.3: Our people
Made up of:
Made up of:
employees1 self-identified:
First Nations
Culturally and linguistically diverse5
workforce6 self-identified:
Person with disability
Strategic Commissioning Framework
The Strategic Commissioning Framework, released by the Australian Public Service Commission ( ) on 1 December 2023, delivers on the government’s commitment to reduce outsourcing, prioritise direct employment and strengthen capability.
The framework requires that the core work of the must be done by its core workforce: employees. Core work means work that is essential to delivering the enduring functions of an agency and is required on a regular and ongoing basis.
The department’s Strategic Workforce Plan 2023–26 articulates our commitment to be a model employer in cultivating a secure, stable and capable public sector workforce in alignment with reform outcomes. It identifies core work for the department that must not be outsourced, including key focus areas in legal, policy and procurement job families.
We have taken rapid action to embed the Strategic Commissioning Framework in our internal processes, systems and governance. The outcome of these actions has been a reduction in outsourced core work and a decrease in overall external workforce relative to our total workforce.
In 2024–25, the department will continue our commitment to building a capable workforce in alignment with the Strategic Commissioning Framework. Having already achieved a reduction in outsourcing of core work, we have set a target for 2024–25 of not increasing our external workforce performing core work.
The department engages a dynamic and skilled external workforce to perform non-core work, in alignment with the framework principles, to deliver on our purpose. We will continue to responsibly outsource work to meet demands, such as short-term surge capacity or specialist capabilities, underpinned by robust framework implementation and monitoring practices.
Data and analytics
The department collects a wealth of data across our skills, employment and workplace relations activities. This informs our decisions when delivering our programs, forming policies and undertaking evaluations. The department’s Data Strategy 2024–27 outlines key activities to build on our data governance foundations, enhance our data capability, develop our data technology ethically, and transform our data analytics, evaluation and integration.
In 2024–25, the department’s Chief Data Officer, working with the Data Governance Committee, will continue to strategically drive reform and develop a consistent approach to data governance and data sharing within the department and the broader portfolio. We will continue to:
- harness insights from our data assets to inform policy development and program design
- strengthen our data capability and culture
- continue to manage our data safely and securely and to protect the privacy of individuals.
Information and communication technology
Developing secure, robust and fit-for-purpose infrastructure, end-user equipment, business applications and services helps the department deliver better employment, skills and workplace relations outcomes. It also benefits other people and organisations who rely on our to receive the support they need.
The department’s Digital Business Strategy guides our direction and supports digital service delivery to our users. The strategy outlines 4 key shifts to transform the digital experience we provide:
- facilitating simple access for users
- creating cohesive and reliable digital experiences
- improving the way we use our data to enhance services
- supporting policy development by ensuring our solutions are modern, integrated and connected.
In 2024–25 we will continue to deliver cohesive and data-driven digital business services to our users and shared services partners. The shared services we offer are tailored to the specific requirements of each partner agency. They include application hosting, service management, project delivery, and investment design and planning. We will continue to contribute to cross-government initiatives and ensure alignment with whole-of-government strategies and approaches. We will develop systems in a secure and compliant way, with the privacy of users’ data at the core of our design-led approaches. To protect our users and the data entrusted to us, we continue to invest in and strengthen the security of our network, systems, and data holdings by focusing on our maturity levels against the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s Essential Eight mitigation strategies to prevent harmful cyber incidents.
The department operates infrastructure across on-premises data centres and public cloud networks in accordance with the Australian Government Secure Cloud Strategy. We are committed to modernising our infrastructure and updating end-user platforms for secure and reliable use. We are also promoting digital literacy across the department and partner agencies, fostering innovation and exploring the ethical use of . We will continue to align with whole-of-government direction and strategies, including the Data and Digital Government Strategy, the Australian Government Architecture, and the Australian Cyber Security Strategy.
In 2024–25 we will continue to build , digital and data capability in line with our workforce strategy by recruiting and developing new starters through our entry-level programs and investing in the skills of our people. We will continue to offer attractive career pathways by fostering an inclusive, collaborative and contemporary work environment. We will collaborate with the ’s Emerging Talent Programs Team to administer 3 entry-level programs for the department: the Digital Traineeship Program, the Digital Cadetship Program and the Digital Graduate Program. We will also continue to engage Australian School-Based Apprentices.
Infrastructure and facilities
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations shares multiple property leases around Australia with the Department of Education, some of which are set to expire. This provides the opportunity to consolidate and rationalise our leased footprint with more energy-efficient fit-outs and buildings in line with the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy, and to modernise our workspaces to support new ways of working.
Our updated office fit-outs will incorporate flexible workspaces, collaboration areas, quiet or focus rooms, and storage lockers that will facilitate a shift towards team-based desk sharing. Following a pilot program across our Melbourne offices in 2023, the department has developed a schedule for phased rollout of desk-sharing during 2024–25. By sharing our office space at a team level, we will optimise our leased footprint, while catering for individual work patterns and ensuring that we have the capacity to accommodate our staff working from the office in all locations.
Financial management
Effective financial management is a key element of the department’s sustainability, performance and accountability. Our approach to financial management enables our staff and stakeholders to access the right financial information to make informed decisions. Our Finance Strategy sets out the department’s approach to supporting our financial sustainability through timely and informed investment of our financial resources, guided by key principles.
These principles are:
- being strategic and forward looking in our capability, development, and investment in financial literacy
- maintaining financial systems that support the delivery of our business outcomes and provide consistent reporting
- implementing strong governance and financial controls to support our approach
- operating within the resources provided by the Government and harnessing opportunities in the external Budget cycle.
Our Portfolio Budget Statements 2024–25 contain further information regarding the department’s Budget estimates (departmental and administered), average staffing levels, budgeted financial statements and high-level performance information for the reporting period.
Embedding a positive risk culture
Our risk culture
We recognise that to support the department’s purpose our staff must have a positive risk culture. This means a culture in which we take appropriate, well-informed and considered risks that enable us to deliver outcomes we might not otherwise achieve.
We consider a positive risk culture to be a shared set of values and behaviours for our staff, describing how we engage with risk in our day-to-day activities. By promoting consideration of both the threat and the opportunity of risk, we strengthen our risk culture and increase our departmental risk maturity and capability.
Enterprise risk management arrangements
The department is managing risks in accordance with the Commonwealth Risk Management Policy. We implement this through our Accountable Authority Instruction for Risk Management and our Enterprise Risk Management Policy and Framework.
We encourage our staff to embrace risk management to inform decision-making. Our risk management arrangements guide how we consider and communicate risks, including those we share with our stakeholders. Working collaboratively, both internally and externally, enables us to manage shared risk with a common purpose.
Our goal is to achieve an appropriate balance between taking some risks and managing other risks so that we can maximise opportunity, protect our interests and minimise disruption to our critical business functions.
Risk governance
Effective governance arrangements support positive engagement with risk and create an environment that promotes both compliance and innovation in delivering outcomes.
We have built appropriate frameworks and systems to oversee our enterprise risk management arrangements. We have a clear understanding of the department’s strategic risks, and this drives our strategic thinking and risk-informed discussions at meetings of the Executive Board and the Audit and Risk Committee.
By encouraging risk discussions, we use our governance committees to prepare for emerging challenges and support appropriate oversight of our enterprise risk management arrangements.
Our Chief Risk Officer champions our risk culture and plays a central role in creating a positive risk environment with transparent reporting to our governance committees. A dedicated enterprise risk team supports the Chief Risk Officer.
Strategic risk environment
For each of our 8 strategic risks we clearly identify our risk focus areas and mitigation strategies (Figure 2.4). This approach supports holistic risk management by providing staff with a line of sight between the operational risks they manage and the department-level strategic risks.
We regularly monitor these risks through our governance arrangements to allow us to adjust our control environment and ensure they remain within our risk appetite.
Figure 2.4: Strategic risks in 2024–25
Risk focus areas (our operational risk environment) | Strategic risks | Mitigation strategies |
Strategic Risk 1 - Delivery | ||
The delivery risks relate to:
’s ability to deliver its key programs, projects, and services on time, on budget and to the expectation of the government and communities may be compromised in an environment of reform, competing priorities and resourcing constraints. | The department works with government and key stakeholders to ensure our key priorities align to reforms and support the effective delivery of our outcomes for the people for whom they are intended. We implement effective management and prioritisation of our programs, projects and services to ensure efficient and ethical delivery, including use of Commonwealth funding. We are invested in transforming the way we work with First Nations people and organisations to build capability and ensure programs and services are built on shared-decision-making. |
Strategic Risk 2 - Culture | ||
The culture risks relate to:
| Our culture may not foster an environment where staff feel safe, learn from mistakes, speak up or feel respected for their values. Working in isolation, without common priorities, has the potential to create a risk of the department not being able to innovate or work as a connected TeamDEWR. | The department promotes a culture that fosters diversity and inclusivity. We insist on integrity in all we do, with a particular focus on fairness in our recruitment and procurement practices. Our governance arrangements, strategies and frameworks assist us to prioritise what we do and provide options for our people to balance work and life commitments. We encourage our people to be curious and find innovative solutions to achieve shared outcomes. |
Strategic Risk 3 - People | ||
The people risks relate to:
| Our ability to adapt our recruitment practices to attract the right skilled people with the right capabilities, while retaining skilled staff, in the current labour market is potentially compromised by a national skills shortage. ’s people strategies and manager capability may be ineffective, risking the safety and wellbeing of our people or non-compliance. | The department has flexible recruitment solutions to enable skilled personnel to be employed nationally. Our flexible and remote working arrangements promote a positive work-life balance, and wellbeing outcomes, for our people. Our managers lead by example and support building the capability of our people through targeted training and professional development programs. |
Strategic Risk 4 - Stakeholders | ||
The stakeholder risks relate to:
| Our ability to achieve shared outcomes could be affected by ineffective engagement with our ministers, our states and territories, industry, and our key stakeholders. | We are committed to building and maintaining collaborative and respectful relationships with our stakeholders. This is facilitated through regular and ongoing engagement, bipartisan approaches and taking an informed view of complex matters and negotiations. We proudly embed Closing the Gap initiatives to foster strengthening and establishing formal partnerships intended to support and engage First Nations people in decision-making. |
Strategic Risk 5 - Policy | ||
The policy risks relate to:
| Good policy to support government decision-making could be hindered by a lack of internal policy capability, evidence and robust data. This is coupled with an environment of fast-paced delivery, broad reforms and constrained timeframes. | We ensure that stakeholder engagement is prioritised in the design and implementation of policy to ensure that outcomes are achieved for the people they are intended to support. This is done by conducting thorough evaluations and analysis to support evidence-based policy decision-making. We build the capability of our people through mentoring, targeted training and professional development programs. We focus on collaboration to ensure thoughtful and considered responses to policy design and implementation. A key priority is our commitment to implementing community-informed policy with First Nations people. |
Strategic Risk 6 - Finance and regulatory | ||
The finance and regulatory risks
| Delivery of our policies, programs, projects and services within the current financial environment may be compromised and affect our ability to support people to have safe, secure and well-paid jobs. Funding limitations could impact our operating environment and put pressure on our internal financial management arrangements. These pressures could create situations where privacy, integrity and compliance may be compromised, potentially leading to fraud and corruption incidents. | We have robust governance arrangements in place to oversee our legislative and regulatory obligations. Our internal and external financial management arrangements support the delivery of our priorities in accordance with the responsible use of Commonwealth resources (efficient, effective, economical and ethical) under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. |
Strategic Risk 7 - Information and communication technology | ||
The risks relate to:
| Delivery of
projects may be hindered by our inability to recruit skilled
labour or to scale up to Our systems may be disrupted if not adequately funded, managed or protected from cyber security threats, impacting business delivery and the services we provide our customers. | We invest in our systems and people through processes to maintain high system reliability, availability and serviceability, and to protect from cyber threats in accordance with the Protective Security Policy Framework. The department undertakes prioritisation of the
program to manage delivery priorities, ensure clarity on program and project scope and consider emerging technology |
Strategic Risk 8 - Information and data | ||
The information and data risks
| Our information and data may be stolen, leaked, altered or destroyed, if our people, processes or technology are not appropriately secured, or our data collection, retention, disposal and sharing is not managed appropriately. | We manage and protect data risks through our governance arrangements and building data capability and understanding with our people through our data stewards and asset owners. Our policies, frameworks and adherence to the Protective Security Policy Framework protects our data from cyber security threats while supporting our people to effectively manage data and our information records. |
Our risk culture fosters an environment where risk management is prioritised, understood, and used to make decisions – where good risk behaviours are valued and rewarded.
Our risk appetite supports positive risk engagement, considered risk taking and good decision-making, while also seeking benefits and opportunities.
Our control environment is informed by Australian Government operations, Commonwealth legislation, regulations, and policies. This underpins our departmental governance and accountability arrangements, including our ethical values and Integrity
Operating risk environment
Our operating risk environment (Figure 2.5) connects our enterprise risk management arrangements, internal guidance and resources with whole-of-government legislation and standards.
We use our enterprise risk systems to embed risk assessments across all our functions. We integrate various risk management approaches into our Enterprise Risk Management Policy and Framework.
Taking the government’s Climate Risk and Opportunity Management Program into account, we are working to integrate the identification, assessment and management of climate risks into all of the department’s activities.
Our mandatory risk plans must address culture and people; work health and safety; fraud and corruption; data and personal information; child safety; climate; and finance and resource risks.
Figure 2.5: Our operating risk environment
The DEWR Enterprise Risk Management Policy and Framework consists of:
- Policy – which incorporates: the Commonwealth Risk Management Policy, and Accountable Authority Instructions; and
- The Framework – which consists of two key components: Oversight and Risk Process.
- Oversight – includes Governance and Assurance and Risk Appetite and Tolerance.
- Risk Process – includes Strategic Risk and Operational Risk Assessments, which connect to the Risk System (RiskNet2), which feed into DEWR’s Strategic Risks. Reporting is the final key element of the risk process, which connects back to Oversight.
Across all elements of the of the Risk Management Policy and Framework are Risk Education, Positive Risk Culture, and Risk Awareness.
Our performance

The department is committed to undertaking meaningful performance monitoring and planning practices and has
a culture of continuous improvement.
We take an integrated planning approach to enable a cohesive process and to promote transparency and accountability. This includes:
- detailing the allocation of resources within the Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio in the Portfolio Budget Statements
- completing interconnected business, workforce and risk plans
- developing individual performance agreements for staff
- regularly monitoring performance measures
- publishing our annual report and annual performance statements to formally demonstrate how we have delivered on our purpose and key activities as set out in our corporate plan.
Figure 3.1: Our performance planning and reporting process
Figure 3.1 shows the Department’s performance planning and reporting processes.
Our performance planning and reporting process commences with the publication of:
- the Employment and Workplace Relations Portfolio Budget Statements
- and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Corporate Plan
The Portfolio Budget Statements and Corporate plan are then used as a reference for departmental staff to undertake:
- business planning
- workforce planning
- risk planning
- and individual performance agreements
Business, workforce and risk planning, and individual performance agreements are then used as a basis for:
- implementation
- evaluation and performance monitoring
Throughout the year, we consider ongoing implementation, evaluation and performance monitoring to prepare our Portfolio Budget Statements and corporate plans for the reporting year.
After the end of each reporting year, we publish an Annual Report that includes our Annual Performance Statements and Financial Statements.
Our performance framework
The department’s performance information, monitoring and reporting framework is underpinned by the Commonwealth Performance Framework and requirements in the and the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 ( ).
Our performance tools and guidance material have been designed to reflect and support our commitment to developing meaningful, transparent and accurate performance reporting. We undertake regular reviews of our performance information and key activities as part of our performance culture.
Measuring our performance
The department’s performance measures and results demonstrate how we are delivering on our purpose. Each performance measure in this plan will be acquitted through our 2024–25 annual performance statements, providing accountability to the public and the Australian Parliament. Throughout the year we provide the Executive Board with regular reports assessing and monitoring our performance information.
Our regulatory performance
The Federal Safety Commissioner
The Federal Safety Commissioner and the Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner ( ) operate within the department and have regulatory functions, including to develop, implement, administer and promote the Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme ( ) for Australian Government funded building and construction work.
The Federal Safety Commissioner and the oversee compliance by companies, accredited under the , with scheme requirements via onsite safety system auditing and reporting of safety incidents.
Regulatory performance measure
The regulatory performance measure for the Federal Safety Commissioner and the is:
Total Recorded Injury Frequency Rate ( ) collectively reported by companies accredited under the Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme is lower than the previous calendar year.
This stretch measure assesses and compares the overall impact of the Federal Safety Commissioner’s performance of their functions described in the Federal Safety Commissioner Act 2022 annually through the use of safety performance data of companies in the building and construction industry accredited under the .
Safety performance is influenced by the and the actions of the Federal Safety Commissioner and the . However, other factors will also affect the safety performance of companies – for example, regulatory actions by state and territory safety regulators and unilateral actions by companies to improve safety.
The is collectively reported by accredited companies to the . The annual target for the is for the rate to be lower than the previous calendar year. This measure assesses the effectiveness of the . It reflects the overall impact of the ’s work and aligns with the principles of regulatory best practice.
For more information about this performance measure, see measure WR004 within the Our performance measures section of this plan.
Regulatory approach
The works to align its regulatory performance to the 3 key principles of regulatory best practice:
- continuous improvement and building trust
- risk based and data driven
- collaboration and engagement.
For further information about the Federal Safety Commissioner’s regulatory functions and approach, see the:
Our performance measures
The department’s performance measures for 2024–25 to 2027–28 presented in this plan show how each measure relates to outcomes, programs and key activities.
The following performance measure tables establish targets, where appropriate, and briefly indicate the methodology for determining achievement against each target. Where more than one target relates to a single performance measure, the result of each component is intended to be reported individually.
The department expects to report achievement against these targets in the 2024–25 annual performance statement.
'the department's performance measures show how each measure relates to outcomes, programs and key activities'
Employment and workforce performance
Outcome statement 1: Foster a productive and competitive labour market through policies and programs that assist job seekers into work, including secure work, and meet employer and industry needs.
Program 1.1 – Employment Services
The employment services system has the following key objectives:
- to help job seekers find and keep a job
- to deliver high-quality and efficient employment services
- to support target groups to improve their work readiness and find employment.
Key activity | Provide quality services to job seekers and employers | Years reported in | |||||
Program | Performance measure | Target | Methodology | 2024–25 | 2025–26 | 2026–27 | 2027–28 |
1.1 | Proportion of participants who are satisfied with the overall quality of services delivered7 [EM002] |
| Proportion of a representative sample of participants, who indicate they are satisfied with the services received during the reference period. Weighted responses reporting that participants are satisfied or very satisfied with the overall quality of services over weighted number of responses to the survey question. Data source: Post-Program Monitoring - Online Services Satisfaction Survey and Quality and Progress Survey | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
1.1 | Proportion of employers who are satisfied with the assistance from Australian Government employment services [EM010] | 80% or higher | The proportion of employers that are satisfied with the assistance from Australian Government employment services8, based on their most recent recruitment experience, over a 12-month period. Data source: Jobs and Skills Australia, Recruitment Experiences and Outlook Survey | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
1.1 | Investment Per Employment Outcome [EM011] | $3,500 or lower per employment outcome | The investment per employment outcome is calculated by dividing variable Workforce Australia Services expenditure by the estimated number of employed participants using Workforce Australia Services. The aggregated actual variable expenditure in providing Workforce Australia Services over a reporting period over the estimated number of employed participants using Workforce Australia Services. Data sources: Post-Program Monitoring - Labour Force Survey, program administrative data from the ESSWeb system and departmental administrative data for program expenditure | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
1.1 | Average time to process decision-ready employer applications to join the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme [EM012] | 12 weeks or less | Processing time is measured from when a application is considered decision ready until that application is finalised.9 The sum of the total time to process all decision-ready applications finalised in the reporting period over the total number of decision-ready applications finalised in the reporting period. Data sources: Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Information System and program administrative data | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Key activity | Support job seekers to achieve sustainable employment | Years reported in | |||||
Program | Performance measure | Target | Methodology | 2024–25 | 2025–26 | 2026–27 | 2027–28 |
1.1 | Proportion of Workforce Australia Services participants who achieve a 26-week Employment Outcome [EM005] | 15% or higher | The proportion of participants in Workforce Australia Provider Services who recorded at least one job placement which converted to a 26-week outcome, over a 12-month period. Data source: program administrative data from the ESSWeb system | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
1.1 | Proportion of participants in work or study three months after exiting services [EM006] |
| The proportion of a representative sample of participants, who indicate they are in work and/or study about 3 months after exiting employment services. Weighted responses reporting participants are employed and/or studying over weighted number of responses to the survey question (asked of participants who have exited employment services). Data source: Post-Program Monitoring - Labour Force Survey | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Key activity | Support target groups to improve their work readiness and prepare for employment10 | Years reported in | |||||
Program | Performance measure | Target | Methodology | 2024–25 | 2025–26 | 2026–27 | 2027–28 |
1.1 | Proportion of Workforce Australia Services participants who believe working with their provider has improved their chances of getting a job [EM009] | 66% or higher | Proportion of a representative sample of participants, who indicate that services received improved their chances of getting a job during the reference period. Weighted responses reporting that services received by participants improved their chances of getting a job by a little or a lot over weighted number of responses to the survey question. Data source: Post-Program Monitoring - Quality and Progress Survey | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Note: In this corporate plan, 4 new performance measures related to Outcome 1 (EM009, EM010, EM011 and EM012) have been published, and will be reported for the first time in 2024–25. The 2023–24 Corporate Plan included 5 performance measures (EM001, EM003, EM004, EM007 and EM008) that have been discontinued, and do not appear in this corporate plan.
As outlined in this corporate plan, the department is advising the government on reforming employment services to progress the vision outlined in Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities and the government’s response to the House of Representatives Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services, which may involve associated changes to performance measures related to Outcome 1.
Skills and training performance
Outcome statement 2: Promote growth in economic productivity and social wellbeing through access to quality skills and training.
Program 2.1 – Building Skills and Capability
The government is working to create an effective and efficient skills and training system that is industry led and delivers the skills Australian employers need. Building skills and capabilities is central to Australia’s economic growth, competitiveness, and business productivity. The national training system provides employees and potential employees with the skills and capabilities required for a job or pathway into a job.
Key activity | Enhance the quality of vocational education and training ( ) | Years reported in | |||||
Program | Performance measure | Target | Methodology | 2024–25 | 2025–26 | 2026–27 | 2027–28 |
2.1 | Proportion of graduates who are satisfied with the overall quality of the training [SK001] |
Data source: National Centre for Vocational Education Research ( ) National Student Outcomes Survey | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
2.1 | Proportion of graduates who are employed or enrolled in further study after training [SK002] |
Data source: National Student Outcomes Survey | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Key activity | Respond to national future skills needs through access to graduates with the required skills | Years reported in | |||||
Program | Performance measure | Target | Methodology | 2024–25 | 2025–26 | 2026–27 | 2027–28 |
2.1 | Proportion of apprenticeship commencements in priority occupations [SK011] | Maintain or increase compared to previous year | Proportion of apprenticeship commencements in priority occupations in the first 6 months of the financial year compared to the number of commencements in priority occupations for the first 6 months of the previous financial year. Data source: , National Apprentice and Trainee Collection and annual Australian Apprenticeship Priority Lists | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
2.1 | Proportion of employers that report use of the system11 [SK004] | 50% or higher | Number of businesses with employees that, in the previous 12 months, have used nationally recognised training, have had apprentices/trainees, or have had jobs that require a vocational qualification, over the total number of businesses with employees. Data source: , Survey of Employers’ Use and Views of the System (SEUV) | No | Yes | No | Yes |
Key activity | Improve language, literacy, numeracy and digital ( ) skills for target groups | Years reported in | |||||
Program | Performance measure | Target | Methodology | 2024–25 | 2025–26 | 2026–27 | 2027–28 |
2.1 | Proportion of participant assessments in the Skills for Education and Employment ( ) program that show language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills improvements12 [SK005] | 80% or higher | Number of assessments undertaken by participants which achieve an increase to their Australian Core Skills Framework ( ) or Digital Literacy Skills Framework ( ) level in one or more indicators over the total number of assessments completed by participants after completing 200+ hours of training or completion of a project. Data source: / assessments completed by service providers | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Program 2.2 – Student Loans
The program aims to remove the up-front cost barriers to training to increase access and participation. This is achieved through the provision of income-contingent loans for students undertaking certain higher level vocational education and training ( ) courses.
Key activity | Reduce barriers to undertaking quality | Years reported in | |||||
Program | Performance measure | Target | Methodology | 2024–25 | 2025–26 | 2026–27 | 2027–28 |
2.2 | Proportion of units of study successfully completed by Student Loans ( ) students [SK007] | 70% or higher | Number of reported equivalent full-time study load ( ) units of study passed, over the total number of units of study attempted excluding any ongoing units of study. Data source: program administrative data, interfacing with Tertiary Collection of Student Information | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
2.2 | Proportion of students who report that financial barriers to training were removed by participation in the program [SK009] | No target13 | Proportion of students who say they would not have undertaken training without Student Loans access. Data source: Student electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form ( ) survey results | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Program 2.3 – Nuclear-powered Submarine Program
The program maintains a taskforce to provide advice on utilising Australia’s skills and training system to support the workforce requirements of the Nuclear-powered Submarine Program.
Key activity | Respond to national future skills needs through access to graduates with the required skills | Years reported in | |||||
Program | Performance measure | Target | Methodology | 2024–25 | 2025–26 | 2026–27 | 2027–28 |
2.3 | Support to the Nuclear-powered Submarine Program is provided through engagement and advice on workforce and training. [SK010] | No target14 | The department will report information on engagement and advice activities15 that have been undertaken under this program during 2024–25. Data source: Internal departmental records | Yes | No | No | No |
Note: In this corporate plan, 3 new performance measures related to Outcome 2 (SK009, SK010 and SK011) have been published, and will be reported for the first time in 2024–25. The 2023–24 Corporate Plan included 3 performance measures (SK003, SK006 and SK008) that have been discontinued, and do not appear in this corporate plan.
Workplace relations performance
Outcome statement 3: Facilitate jobs growth, including secure work, through policies and programs that promote fair, productive and safe workplaces.
Program 3.1 – Workplace Support
This program contributes to the outcome through:
- the promotion of fair workplaces by ensuring the protection of employee entitlements in certain circumstances
- ensuring the efficient operation of the workplace relations system through initiatives designed to encourage employers and employees to adopt fair, productive, flexible and safe workplace relations.
Key activity | Promote fair, productive and safe workplaces through policies and programs | Years reported in | |||||
Program | Performance measure | Target | Methodology | 2024–25 | 2025–26 | 2026–27 | 2027–28 |
3.1 | Proportion of assessed economic data and analysis to support the effective operation of the workplace relations system that is timely [WR001] | 100% | Timeliness will be assessed on compliance with the following deadlines:
Data source: program administrative data | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
3.1 | Total Recorded Injury Frequency Rate ( ) collectively reported by companies accredited under the Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme [WR004] | Rate is lower than the previous calendar year | The 16 for all accredited companies is calculated by dividing the total number of safety incidents for all companies by the total number of hours worked. The result is multiplied by 1 million to give a per 1 million work hours. Due to the reporting timeframes for accredited companies, this target will be measured over the calendar year rather than the financial year. Data source: Directly from accredited companies | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Key activity | Support the protection of workers’ entitlements | Years reported in | |||||
Program | Performance measure | Target | Methodology | 2024–25 | 2025–26 | 2026–27 | 2027–28 |
3.1 | Average processing time for initial claims under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee program [WR002] | 14 weeks or less | The 14-week timeframe is measured from when a claim is made effective to when a claim decision is made. This is a proxy measure of efficiency. When combined with WR003 it provides an understanding of the efficiency of this program. Data source: eFEG system (SmartClient framework) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
3.1 | Proportion of claim payments made under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee program that are correct [WR003] | 95% or higher | The Fair Entitlements Guarantee ( ) Program Management Office administers an accuracy testing process that is based on assessing the accuracy of a random sample of 40 claim decisions per month. Over the course of a year, the results of these monthly assessments provide an annual measure of claim payment accuracy. Data source: eFEG (SmartClient framework) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 Requirements
Table 4.1: requirements
Source | Matters to be included | Section |
Introduction | ||
16E(1) | The corporate plan for a Commonwealth entity must cover a period of at least 4 reporting periods for the entity, starting on the first day of the reporting period for which the plan is prepared under paragraph 35(1)(a) of the . | Secretary’s introduction |
16E(2)1(a) | The corporate plan must include a statement that the plan is prepared for paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Act. | Secretary’s introduction |
16E(2)1(b) | The corporate plan must specify the reporting period for which the plan is prepared. | Secretary’s introduction |
16E(2)1(c) | The corporate plan must specify the reporting periods covered by the plan. | Secretary’s introduction |
Purposes | ||
16E(2)2 | The corporate plan must state the purposes of the entity. | Our purpose |
Key activities | ||
16E(2)3 | For the entire period covered by the plan, the corporate plan must outline the key activities that the entity will undertake in order to achieve its purposes. | Our purpose Figure 1.1 |
Operating context | ||
16E(2)4(a) | For the entire period covered by the plan, the corporate plan must state the environment in which the entity will operate. | Our environment |
16E(2)4(b) | For the entire period covered by the plan, the corporate plan must include the strategies and plans the entity will implement to have the capability it needs to undertake its key activities and achieve its purposes. | Our corporate strategies and operations |
16E(2)4(c) | For the entire period covered by the plan, the corporate plan must include a summary of the risk oversight and management systems of the entity, and the key risks that the entity will manage and how those risks will be managed. | Embedding a positive risk culture |
16E(2)4(d) | For the entire period covered by the plan, the corporate plan must include details of any organisation or body that will make a significant contribution towards achieving the entity’s purposes through cooperation with the entity, including how that cooperation will help achieve those purposes. | Our cooperation and partnerships |
16E(2)4(e) | For the entire period covered by the plan, the corporate plan must include how any subsidiary of the entity will contribute to achieving the entity’s purposes. | Not applicable. The Department does not have subsidiaries. |
Performance | ||
16E(2)5(a) | For each reporting period covered by the plan, the corporate plan must include details of how the entity’s performance in achieving the entity’s purposes will be measured and assessed through specified performance measures for the entity that meet the requirements of section 16EA of the . | Our performance measures |
16E(2)5(b) | For each reporting period covered by the plan, the corporate plan must include details of how the entity’s performance in achieving the entity’s purposes will be measured and assessed through specified targets for each of those performance measures for which it is reasonably practicable to set a target. | Our performance measures |
Publication and distribution | ||
16E(3) | The corporate plan must be published on the entity’s website by the last day of the second month of the reporting period for which the plan is prepared. | This corporate plan was published on by 31 August 2024 |
16E(5) | The corporate plan must be given to the responsible Ministers and the Finance Minister as soon as practicable after the plan is prepared; and before the plan, or the version, is published under subsection (3). | This corporate plan was given to the responsible Ministers and the Finance Minister prior to publication. |