Port Lincoln Youth Development Hub (YDH)
Australian Red Cross Society
Employment Region: Mid North SA
The Port Lincoln Youth Development Hub (YDH) provides centres of collaboration to support unemployed and/or disengaged youth to become work ready and gain local employment in the hospitality and retail sectors.
Throughout the project, participants will engage with industry guest speakers, undertake training and work experience whilst building their employability soft skill set. These self-development and interpersonal skills include communication, planning, problem solving, building effective relationships, leadership and time management skills. To find more visit Port Lincoln Youth Development Hub (YDH).
Young Women Lead, Empower and Develop
Centacare Catholic South Australia
Employment Region: North West Country
The Young Women Lead, Empower and Develop program is delivering a series of tailored 10-week sessions to increase the resilience, confidence, wellbeing, knowledge and skills of young women aged 15-25. It specifically addresses barriers relating to disadvantage, exposure to domestic or sexual violence and/or the impact of unhealthy relationships, and empowering increased education and workforce participation. To find more visit Centacare Catholic Country SA.
Northern Adelaide Plains Food Cluster (NAPFC)
Northern Adelaide Plains Food Cluster Inc
Employment Region: Adelaide North
The Northern Adelaide Plains Food Cluster (NAPFC) Workforce Development Program delivered data, insights, recommendations and tools to reduce barriers and increase understanding and coordination of workforce needs. Through strategies based on this greater understanding of the workforce needs, the program aimed to increase participation in existing career pathways available across the horticulture industry and maximised regional employment. To find out more visit Workforce Development Program (Northern Adelaide Plains).
Supporting Locals
National Disability Services Limited
Employment Region: Hobart and Southern Tasmania
The Supporting Locals project addresses barriers to job seekers entering the disability sector in regional Tasmania. The project provides local referral pathways, including tailored training, support and employment in the disability care sector. To find out more, visit Success for NDS’s Supporting Locals program.
Supporting Locals
National Disability Services Limited
Employment Region: North and North Western Tasmania
The Supporting Locals project addresses barriers to job seekers entering the disability sector in regional Tasmania. The project provides local referral pathways, including tailored training, support and employment in the disability care sector. To find out more, visit Success for NDS’s Supporting Locals program.
Clean Energy Council First Nations Community Engagement Project
Clean Energy Council Ltd
Employment Region: Inner Metropolitan Melbourne
The Clean Energy Council First Nations Community Engagement project is a collaboration between the Clean Energy Council (the Supplier) and Original Power Ltd (trading as First Nations Clean Energy Network). The project aims to increase the capacity of First Nations community members to participate in and benefit from Australia’s energy transition. It comprises two components, delivery of First Nations engagement workshops for communities in three regional locations; and the development and dissemination of online training modules to assist industry to engage with First Nations communities.
Clean Energy Council First Nations Community Engagement Project
Clean Energy Council Ltd
Employment Region: Fitzroy
The Clean Energy Council First Nations Community Engagement project is a collaboration between the Clean Energy Council (the Supplier) and Original Power Ltd (trading as First Nations Clean Energy Network). The project aims to increase the capacity of First Nations community members to participate in and benefit from Australia’s energy transition. It comprises two components, delivery of First Nations engagement workshops for communities in three regional locations; and the development and dissemination of online training modules to assist industry to engage with First Nations communities.
Good Start Project
Banksia Gardens Association Incorporated
Employment Region: North Western Melbourne
The Good Start Project centres on a therapeutic alliance between a case manager and the participating young person to help build the social and emotional learning that is necessary to enter the modern workplace. It aims to provide young people with employment through an 'earn while you learn’ experience at one or more of the four social enterprises operated by Banksia Gardens.
Hydrogen Upskilling Engineers
Engineering Education Australia Ltd
Employment Region: Inner Metropolitan Melbourne
The Hydrogen Upskilling Engineers project will develop, trial and evaluate a suite of online hydrogen short courses with direct pathways to industry-endorsed micro-credentials. It will address workforce development needs to enable the hydrogen industry to advance in a more safe, reliable and timely manner, thereby contributing to Australia’s transition to Net Zero. To find out more, visit Hydrogen Upskilling Engineers.
Hydrogen Upskilling Engineers
Engineering Education Australia Ltd
Employment Region: South Coast of Victoria
The Hydrogen Upskilling Engineers project will develop, trial and evaluate a suite of online hydrogen short courses with direct pathways to industry-endorsed micro-credentials. It will address workforce development needs to enable the hydrogen industry to advance in a more safe, reliable and timely manner, thereby contributing to Australia’s transition to Net Zero. To find out more, visit Hydrogen Upskilling Engineers.