With the right training, opportunities and support, Workforce Australia - Transition to Work (TtW) helped Elias find a job.
At nineteen years old and an early school leaver, Elias was starting to lose hope about finding employment. Like many people at the same stage of their life, Elias did not have an established support network in place, work experience or further education to assist him on his job search.

“My mindset wasn’t great. Not great at all. It was this feeling that I wasn’t going anywhere,” Elias said.
That’s when Elias found TtW provider Asuria who referred him to the program. With the help of Asuria mentor Renee and Team Lead David, Elias was able to overcome challenges and build his knowledge and skills to not only identify his potential, but also the opportunities available to him.
TtW delivers intensive, pre-employment support to help participants develop practical skills to get a job, connect with education or training, and find local job opportunities.
After receiving this support, Elias found work in hospitality and has started training to become a bartender.
Equipped with the right tools, Elias participated in a range of pre-employment activities and training to help him become job-ready:
- Career support and counselling
- Identified employment opportunities in his local area
- Connected with community support services in his local area
- Received work-related tools, equipment, clothing and training relevant to his new role, including his Responsible Service to Alcohol certification
- Attended youth-friendly training facilities for face-to-face meetings and group work sessions.
Elias believes he found direction, focus and stability.
“The best part has been gaining more skills that I’ve wanted to get for a while. Now that I’m getting trained in bartending, it opens many more doors for me” Elias said.
For more information visit the Transition to Work page.