All NEST Participants should have an accurate Assessment which reflects their current circumstances so that they receive the level of services most appropriate to their needs to help them move from welfare to work.
The Job Seeker Classification Instrument (JSCI) is a questionnaire which seeks to identify a Participant’s risk of becoming or remaining long term unemployed. It does this by providing an objective measure of a Participant’s relative labour market disadvantage based on the Participant’s individual circumstances.
The JSCI is also used to identify if a Participant has multiple or complex barriers to employment that may require further assessment via an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt).
JSCI responses, and where appropriate the ESAt, provide valuable information to help Providers to develop activities and assistance that can address a Participant’s circumstances and help them find work.
- Creation Date
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- FOI Reference
- Stream
- Creator
Department of Education, Skills and Employment
- Publication Category
Departmental document
- Collection
- Language
English / Australian English
- Coverage
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