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Human Services Skills Organisation Pilot
The Australian Government established a Skills Organisation pilot for the human services sector.
Digital Skills Organisation Pilot
The Australian Government established a Skills Organisation pilot for the digital technology sector.
Mutual recognition
To work in some occupations individuals need to be registered and/or hold a licence in the state or territory where they wish to work.
Mutual Recognition FAQs
Frequently asked questions on the mutual recognition of occupations.
Skills and Licence Recognition
Both businesses and individuals benefit when an individual’s prior skills, experience, knowledge, qualifications or licence are formally acknowledged.
Reading Writing Hotline
The Reading Writing Hotline (the hotline) provides a national phone service for adults seeking English language, literacy and numeracy referral information, advice and support.
Press Release HSSO CEO appointment
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This media release contains information about the appointment of a CEO for the Human Services Skills Organisation Pilot.
VET Data Privacy Notice
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations’ VET Data Privacy Notice below provides specific information about how the department handles a VET student’s personal information.
VET Data Legislation
This page will be updated when there are changes to VET data related legislation of which registered training organisations (RTOs) and others in the VET sector should be aware.
Information Publication Scheme Agency Plan
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The department is an agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) and is required to comply with the Information Publication Scheme (IPS) requirements.
The Department of Education and Training Section 24(1) Determination
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The Department of Education and Training Section 24(1) Determination
Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2019–20 Education, Skills and Employment Portfolio
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The Education, Skills and Employment Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2018–19 provides an update to the government expenditure estimates for the 2019–20 budget year and reflect changes since the Budget.