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Workforce Specialists
On 14 May 2024, the Australian Government announced it will cease approving new projects under the Workforce Specialists initiative, effective immediately. Projects currently being delivered will continue until completion.
Pathway to Transport and Logistics
The Pathway to Transport and Logistics project delivered by Workforce Specialist Driver Risk Management is a pre-employment program to assist up to 200 participants over 10 tranches to overcome barriers to employment and prepare themselv
Australian Skills Guarantee Model Clauses
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The Australian Skills Guarantee Model Clauses can be included by Commonwealth entities in approach to market, contract or panel arrangement documentation, as relevant, to give effect to the requirements of the Australian Skills Guarantee Procureme
Seeking feedback on Australian Skills Guarantee discussion paper
The Skills Guarantee discussion paper on setting targets for major ICT projects is now available. The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations invites you to read the discussion paper and make a submission.
JobExplore Industry Pathways
The JobExplore Industry Pathways project, delivered by Workforce Specialist The Finer Line, was an industry-targeted pilot pathway to employment in New South Wales.
Consultation, feedback and evaluation
Parents, carers and stakeholders have been, major contributors to the design, implementation and ongoing improvements of Parent Pathways.
Getting the best outcomes for injured workers – Public consultation issues paper
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A comprehensive review of the Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Act.
The Hon Andrew Giles MP, Minister for Skills and Training Media Release Issued on 21 August 2024, about ‘Over 150 Ghost Colleges Axed’
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Versions of the Hon Andrew Giles MP, Minister for Skills and Training Media Release Issued on 21 August 2024, about ‘Over 150 Ghost Colleges Axed’.
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Australia has banned the use of engineered stone benchtops, panels and slabs.
The ban is a world first, marking an important change to keep workers safe.
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