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Your questions answered
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This resource provides you with commonly asked questions about flexible working arrangements.
Questions to ask when considering flexible working arrangements
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Included are a series of questions managers should ask themselves before accepting or rejecting flexible work arrangements.
Useful Resources about flexible working
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These resources provide information about flexible working including the benefits, tools to help you implement and case studies.
Additional Resources
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This resource provides apps that support flexible working.
Employer research on returner programmes
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This is a research report on returner programs conducted by the UK Government Equalities Office.
Returner Programmes - Best Practice Guidance for Employers
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This resource is research conducted in the UK by Women Returners and Timewise.
PALMIS Newsletter No 2 – 08/09/2023
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The PALMIS newsletter is sent to all registered PALMIS users to keep you informed about important features of the system and how to use them.
A policy approach
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This resource provides you with the key features of a flexible working policy.
Workplace Gender Equality Agency - Flexible work
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This resource has been developed by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency and provides information about flexible work.
Flexible Work Application Form
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This form can help employees who wish to request flexible work.
Flexible Work Managers Response
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This form can support employers to respond to requests for flexible work from employees.
Maturity assessment
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This resource will help you map your business' current state against a range of factors including those to attract, recruit and retain women.
New Employment Services Trial Deed 2019-2022
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New Employment Services Trial Deed 2019-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 3
Transition to Work Deed 2016-2022
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Transition to Work Deed 2016-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 12
jobactive Deed 2015-2022
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jobactive Deed 2015-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 13
Career Transition Assistance Panel Deed 2019-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 4
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Career Transition Assistance Panel Deed 2018-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 4
Career Transition Assistance Trial Panel Deed 2018-2022 incorporating GDV 5
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Career Transition Assistance Trial Panel Deed 2018-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 5
Parental practices Self-Assessment Tool
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The self-assessment tool is a simple way of determining where your business is positioned in relation to supportive parental practices.
The Business Case for Gender Equality
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Workplace gender equality is achieved when people are able to access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless of gender.