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Chapter 18 (Labour): Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA)
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We provide advice and assistance to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on labour issues that may arise in trade matters. Labour provisions feature in the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA).
Regulatory Technology Roadmap
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The regulatory technology roadmap outlines a series of potential approaches to support innovation that assists businesses to better understand and comply with modern awards.
RegTech Award Compliance Strategic Working Group Charter
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RegTech Award Compliance Strategic Working Group Charter endorsed by Members on 22 February 2022.
RegTech Award Compliance Strategic Working Group Expression of Interest (EOI) Form
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Expression of Interest (EOI) Form for Membership in the RegTech Award Compliance Strategic Working Group.
Agreement making in Australia under the Workplace Relations Act - 2007 to 2009
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Agreement making in Australia under the Workplace Relations Act: 2007 to 2009
Amendments of 2014 to the Code of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
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The Amendments to the Code of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 as tabled in Parliament on 13 October 2015.
Australia's pledge to progress ratification of the Forced Labour Protocol
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Australia's pledge to the IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour
Comment Template for the Review of Work Health and Safety Regulatory Framework in the Building and Construction Industry
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This template is to provide comments in response to the questions set out in the Issues Paper for the Review of Work Health and Safety Regulatory Framework
Deemed Diseases approach - information to support the update of the Comcare Scheme's current deemed diseases legislative instrument Final report
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This report was commissioned by the Department of Employment to support the development of the Deemed Diseases legislative instrument.
DRAFT COVID-19 Model Code of Practice
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On Thursday 17 September 2020, the Attorney-General released a draft work health and safety (WHS) Code of Practice (draft code) to provide businesses and workers guidance on what they need to do to mitigate the risks of COVID-19 in the workpl
Greenfields Agreement Review final report 2017
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The Greenfields Agreements Review final report covers the operation of the first two years of the greenfields agreement making provisions made by the Fair Work Amendment Act 2015, which commenced on 27 November 2015.
Independent review of the temporary JobKeeper provisions of the Fair Work Act
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The Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus (Measures No. 2) Act 2020 temporarily introduced a new Part 6-4C into the Fair Work Act 2009. These were known as the JobKeeper provisions.
List of greenfield agreements made
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The document provides details on the greenfield agreements made over the past four years.
Managing Workers Compensation in the Commonwealth
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This booklet presents fact sheets on nine pilot projects undertaken by agencies that are in the Deputy Secretaries' Working Group for Managing Workers Compensation in the Commonwealth. The pilots were designed to identify ways of improving i
Request for Access to Workplace Agreement Database dataset
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People seeking access to the Workplace Agreements Database dataset must complete this form and return it via email to
A Review to modernise the Federal Safety Commissioner and Australian Government Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme - Discussion paper
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Discussion Paper and submission guide relating to the Review to Modernise The Office of The Federal Safety Commissioner and The Australian Government Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme.
Review of the Seacare Scheme Report - Final report
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The final report of the Review of the Seacare scheme was publicly released on 20 May 2013. The report outlines 67 recommendations to modernise the scheme for seafarers to ensure it is working effectively and efficiently.
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Review Final Report - Mr Peter Hanks QC
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Mr Peter Hanks QC - the final report was publicly released on 30 March 2013.
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Review Report - Dr Allan Hawke AC
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Dr Allan Hawke AC - The report outlines 33 recommendations to improve the performance and operation of the scheme.