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PALM scheme Approved Employer Deed
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This document is the final PALM Approved Employer Deed version.
PALM scheme Approved Employer Guidelines feedback template
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This document is the PALM scheme Approved Employer Guidelines feedback form template.
PALM scheme Approved Employer Deed feedback form
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This document is the PALM scheme Approved Deed feedback form template.
Pilot 2 – Skills Assessment Opportunities for Migrants – Operational Guidelines
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This Guideline outlines a contracted Assessing Authority's responsibilities and operational actions for providing services under the Pilot 2 - Skills Assessment Opportunities for Migrants Deed.
Pilot 3 – Employability Assessments for Migrants – Operational Guidelines
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This Guideline outlines a contracted Assessing Authority's responsibilities and operational actions for providing services under the Pilot 3 – Employability Assessments for Migrants Deed.
Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining – December quarter 2022
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Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining is a quarterly report containing data about the number of enterprise agreements made in the federal workplace relations system, as well as data about the number of employees covered and the level of wage inc
National Labour Hire Regulation consultation paper
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Consultation paper was released on 22 March 2023 as part of targeted consultation with key stakeholder groups.
Submissions closed on 26 April 2023.
OECD launches report on education and pre-employment interventions for adolescents
How early intervention and educational policies keep young people in education, employment and training.
Fact Sheet – Overview of Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan applications in ADMS
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This fact sheet introduces the components and process for Australian Apprentices completing Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan applications in ADMS.
Quick Reference Guide – How to apply for an Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan
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Australian Apprentices who are eligible to claim an Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan can use this guide to help complete each section of the application.
PALM Scheme Approved Employer Deed - Summary of Changes
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Comparison table for the PALM scheme Approved Employer Deed
PALM Scheme Approved Employer Guidelines - Summary of Changes
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Comparison table for the PALM scheme Guidelines.
Meeting Brief concerning the Seacare Workers’ Compensation Scheme
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Meeting Brief prepared for the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations concerning the Seacare Workers’ Compensation Scheme.
Workforce Australia Provider Deed, guidelines and fact sheets
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The Workforce Australia Services Deed of Standing Offer 2022 – 2028, and accompanying guidelines and fact sheets.
Workforce Australia supports creative and freelance workers
There is help available for Australian freelance and part-time workers in the arts, creative and entertainment industries to understand their mutual obligation requirements.
Transition to Work helped Elias find employment
With the right training, opportunities and support, Workforce Australia - Transition to Work (TtW) helped Elias find a job.