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VET Student Loans – Supporting approved VSL providers during extraordinary circumstances
This page provides advice about how the department may be able to support approved VSL providers during extraordinary circumstances such as natural disasters and the measures providers can take to support their students.
Australian Government Response to the Senate Select Committee on the Future of Work and Workers report
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On 22 March 2023, the Australian Government published its response to the Senate Committee on the Future of Work and Workers report: hope is not a strategy – our shared responsibility for the future of work and workers.
Successful organisations for the Workforce Specialists Panel
On 22 February 2022 the former Department of Education, Skills and Employment (now the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations) (the department) released the Request for Proposal for the Workforce Specialists Initiative 2022–28 seeki
Self-employment collaborative art opportunities
Through the Collaboration through Art program, Cheryl Royle, a Workforce Australia Entrepreneurship Facilitator, worked with individuals to explore self-employment opportunities using their artistic talents.
Student Enquiries
Information for how VET Student Loans and VET FEE-HELP students can enquire about the programs or their loan.
Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job Evaluation
The Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job program assisted job seekers with the costs of moving for a job. It aimed to encourage them to relocate to areas with lower unemployment rates.
jobactive Evaluation
The jobactive program was the Australian Government-funded employment service market program between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2022. It replaced Job Services Australia and was replaced by Workforce Australia Services from July 2022.
The Tasmanian Jobs Programme Evaluation
The Tasmanian Jobs Programme was a wage subsidy pilot that ran for 2 years from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2015.
Job Services Australia Evaluation
Job Services Australia (JSA) commenced on 1 July 2009 and replaced the Job Network model. It was initially contracted for a three-year period to 30 June 2012.
Employment Pathway Fund Evaluation
The Employment Pathway Fund is a flexible pool of funds which Job Services Australia providers used to assist eligible job seekers to overcome their vocational and non-vocational barriers to employment.
Job Network Evaluation
Job Network was implemented in May 1998 to deliver employment services to job seekers and employers.
New Employment Services Trial Evaluation
The New Employment Services Trial (NEST) Phase 1 evaluation contains findings from the evaluation of the trial from July 2019 to June 2021.
Contact Centres
Do you enjoy talking to people and problem solving? Then working in a contact centre may be the perfect fit for you.
Hospitality and Tourism
The hospitality and tourism sector has thousands of jobs available in an exciting industry full of opportunity.