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Small Business Stakeholder Kit
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Promotional materials and information including posters, postcards, social media assets and website content to help promote Self-Employment Assistance to small business owners.
Ahoy! Jump on board to read about Thomas’s journey
Workforce Australia helps Australians search and apply for jobs or find more information on their pathway to employment, which Thomas experienced with the help of Workforce Australia Services.
Changes to the VET Student Loans Rules 2016
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On 19 October 2023 amendments to the VET Student Loans Rules 2016 (VSL Rules) commenced.
Public and products liability claim and incident report form
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The form for insurance claims relating to Public and Products Liability Incidents such as injury to third parties or damage to third party property.
PALMIS Release Notes No 54
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Updates to accommodation plans, recruitment plans and incident reports.
PALMIS Release Notes No 55
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Updates to the support request form, accommodation plans, labour market tests, correspondence activities, and help guides and tutorial videos.
PALMIS Newsletter No 3 – 15/09/2023
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The PALMIS newsletter is sent to all registered PALMIS users to keep you informed about important features of the system and how to use them.
PALMIS Newsletter No 4 – 22/09/2023
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The PALMIS newsletter is sent to all registered PALMIS users to keep you informed about important features of the system and how to use them.
PALMIS Newsletter No 5 – 29/09/2023
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The PALMIS newsletter is sent to all registered PALMIS users to keep you informed about important features of the system and how to use them.
PALMIS Newsletter No 6 – 09/10/2023
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The PALMIS newsletter is sent to all registered PALMIS users to keep you informed about important features of the system and how to use them.
PALMIS Newsletter No 7 – 13/10/2023
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The PALMIS newsletter is sent to all registered PALMIS users to keep you informed about important features of the system and how to use them.
Providing support through an artistic venture
Tanya started Creative Space Art Therapies to help people experiencing personal life challenges, through artistic and creative ways.
Gifts and Benefits Register: 31 October 2023
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This publication records gifts from the period 1 July 2023 to 30 September 2023.
Work Health and Safety Ministers' Meeting – 27 October 2023
Ministers responsible for work health and safety (WHS) from the Commonwealth and each state and territory met to discuss and advance WHS matters of national importance on 27 October 2023, including engineered stone and workplace fatalities.
Grant funding is now available for innovate startups and small to medium businesses
The Australian Government is looking for innovative solutions to improve the modern awards user experience in the latest Business Research and Innovation Initiative (BRII) round.