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Skills Assessment Opportunities for Migrants – Hazaragi Flyer
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Are you an onshore migrant who has not had a skills assessment before? You may be eligible for a free, fast-tracked skills assessment that could improve your employment opportunities.
Employability Assessments for Migrants – Hazaragi Flyer
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Are you an onshore migrant who has been assessed as having suitable skills in a priority occupation but not working in that industry? You may be eligible for a free employability assessment and subsidised training!
Skills Assessment Opportunities for Migrants – Pashto Flyer
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Are you an onshore migrant who has not had a skills assessment before? You may be eligible for a free, fast-tracked skills assessment that could improve your employment opportunities.
Employability Assessments for Migrants – Pashto Flyer
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Are you an onshore migrant who has been assessed as having suitable skills in a priority occupation but not working in that industry? You may be eligible for a free employability assessment and subsidised training!
Skills Assessment Opportunities for Migrants – Tamil Flyer
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Are you an onshore migrant who has not had a skills assessment before? You may be eligible for a free, fast-tracked skills assessment that could improve your employment opportunities.
Employability Assessments for Migrants – Tamil Flyer
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Are you an onshore migrant who has been assessed as having suitable skills in a priority occupation but not working in that industry? You may be eligible for a free employability assessment and subsidised training!
Interim arrangements for the TAE and FSK training packages – Frequently Asked Questions
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The Skills and Workforce Ministerial Council agreed that the Commonwealth Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) will have temporary oversight of the TAE Training and Education and FSK Foundation Skills Training Packages.
TAE/FSK Technical Reference Group Terms of Reference
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Following Skills Ministers’ endorsement on 24 February 2023, the Commonwealth Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) will have temporary oversight of the Training and Education (TAE) and Foundation Skills (FSK) Training Packages.
PALMIS IT Webinar Session 4 – Frequently Asked Questions
Opportunity for approved employers to ask questions about the PALMIS IT system.
Secretary’s speech at the Workforce Australia National Forum – 29 August 2023
Thank you, Simon and thank you Uncle Tony Garvey for that wonderful and forthright welcome to country.
Meaning of 'employee' and 'employer' in the Fair Work Act 2009
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Meaning of 'employee' and 'employer' in the Fair Work Act 2009 factsheet.
Extend the powers of the Fair Work Commission to set minimum standards for ‘employee-like’ workers
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Extend the powers of the Fair Work Commission to set minimum standards for ‘employee-like’ workers factsheet.
Give workers the right to challenge unfair contractual terms
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Give workers the right to challenge unfair contractual terms factsheet.
Industrial manslaughter and other work, health and safety reforms
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Industrial manslaughter and other work, health and safety reforms factsheet.
Allow the Fair Work Commission to set minimum standards to ensure the road transport industry is safe, sustainable and viable
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Allow the Fair Work Commission to set minimum standards to ensure the road transport industry is safe, sustainable and viable factsheet.
Compliance and enforcement: Civil penalties and sham contracting
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Compliance and enforcement: Civil penalties and sham contracting factsheet.
Repeal de-merger from registered organisations amalgamation provisions
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Repeal de-merger from registered organisations amalgamation provisions factsheet.
TtW Service Delivery Plan - SA - Adelaide North - Jobs Statewide (Employer)
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This is a Service Delivery Plan (SDP) for Transition to Work (TtW).