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Australia has a new Age Discrimination Commissioner, Mr Robert Fitzgerald AM!
The position of the Age Discrimination Commissioner is to address “barriers to equality and participation caused by age discrimination” and to ensure all Australians are protected from discrimination based on age in employment and education (Austr
Hunter - Supporting workforce transition to a net zero economy
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This plan sets out the priorities and associated strategies that will drive the design and implementation of projects supporting the region’s workforce transition to a net zero economy.
Fitzroy - Supporting workforce transition to a net zero economy
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This plan sets out the priorities and associated strategies that will drive the design and implementation of projects supporting the region’s workforce transition to a net zero economy.
Gifts and Benefits Register: 31 March 2024
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This publication records gifts from the period 1 January - 31 March 2024.
Explore jobs in the industry that supports the Defence Force
Thinking about a career where you can work with the Defence Force, then you've come to the right place!
Changes announced to New Energy Apprenticeship Program
The Australian Government has announced that it is expanding the New Energy Apprenticeships Program to help build the skilled workforce needed to transition to clean energy.
Encouraging more apprentices into the New Energy Apprenticeships Program
The Australian Government has announced that it is expanding the New Energy Apprenticeships Program to help build the skilled workforce to transition to clean energy.
PALMIS Newsletter No 15 - 03/05/2024
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The PALMIS newsletter is sent to all registered PALMIS users to keep you informed about important features of the system and how to use them.
A selection of Hot Fact Sheets for the 2024 February Additional Senate Estimates
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A selection of Final Hot Fact Sheets and an Index of Final Hot Factsheets for the 2024 February Additional Senate Estimates.
Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans Program Guidelines
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The Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans Guidelines provide an overview of the Program and outline the operational and administrative framework for implementing Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans.
Successful Jobs Expo in Western Adelaide connects employers with individuals
Over 100 stallholders/exhibitors which ranged from government services, community services, to providers and employers were available to speak with individuals at the recent Western Adelaide Jobs Expo.
First Responder Mental Health
The National Approach provides a standard to ensure that all first responders with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), regardless of jurisdiction, are able to access appropriate support, including treatment and leave, through workers’ compensat