VET Data Streamlining program

Richer, faster data supporting evidence-based decision-making and better outcomes for students, industries, and governments.

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About the program

To stay a global leader in VET, Australia must quickly address emerging challenges, skill gaps, and market opportunities. Modern systems and a new VET Information Standard are essential.

The VET Data Streamlining (VDS) Program is the foundation of the Enhanced VET Data and Evidence initiative, aimed at enhancing the accuracy, timeliness, and security of VET activity data. This initiative is a key component of the National Skills Agreement (NSA), which began on 1 January 2024.

Once fully implemented, the outcomes of the VDS Program will be simplified reporting pathways, improved data quality, reduced reporting timelines and decreased time delay between data creation, collection, and usage.

The VDS Program is a collaborative effort involving Commonwealth, state and territory training authorities, the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), and VET sector regulators.

There are 3 components to the Program:

  1. New VET Information Standard - Replacing Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) 8.
  2. Student and Training Activity Reporting System (STARS) - A new system that supports the VET Information Standard. The system integrates with Student Management Systems (SMS), and is accessible by NCVER and government bodies, including VET sector regulators.
  3. Policy and Legislation Updates - Ensuring alignment with the new VET data standard and system, and enabling increased data submission frequency.

Under the extended National Skills Agreement (NSA), the VDS Program will continue through December 2028. The Program will be rolled out progressively, allowing training organisations ample time to transition to the new data submission processes.

The VDS Program is working closely with all stakeholders to develop a transition timeline that meets everyone’s needs.

By 31 December 2028, the new VET Information Standard and the transition to the National VET Data System (STARS) will be delivered with regular oversight by Skills Ministers.

Benefits for the VET sector

  • More efficient data validation and submission practices and flow of data throughout the VET sector.
  • A richer, consistent national dataset due to an expanded VET Information Standard.
  • Up-to-date evidence of VET student competencies and training progress.
  • Improved protection of data through contemporary system controls and cyber security measures.
  • More timely, national VET dataset supporting evidence-based decision-making for consumers of VET data.
  • Enhanced analytics capabilities that are trusted by governments and others to inform decisions.

Engagement with the VET sector so far

In 2021, the department commissioned Whereto Research to undertake VDS discovery research. Whereto conducted 48 interviews and 9 workshops with training providers and student management system vendors during November and December of 2021. The summary report was created by the department from that research can be accessed on the VET Data Streamlining Discovery 1 Summary Report.

In 2022, the department also conducted a quantitative survey of RTOs, with invitations sent to 4,089 individual organisations. Data from this survey was combined with administrative data provided by NCVER to produce the Registered Training Providers Experiences with VET Data Report.

In 2023, as part of an overarching Impact Analysis (IA) of the VET sector, the department interviewed over 60 RTOs, as well as several SMS providers, to unpack impacts of the VDS program’s future state on the sector.

Additionally, from 2021-2023, the department ran an External User Reference Group (EURG), a platform for the VET sector to receive program updates and raise concerns or ask questions.

Get involved

The VDS Program runs program showcases every 10 weeks, which are open to all members of the VET sector.

Showcases contain program updates, opportunities for people to submit questions and to demonstrate program products.

The VET sector is welcome to join the Program Showcase distribution list, enquire about the program or indicate interest in activities like user testing and design consultation.

To get in touch, email us at or fill out the registration form.

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