
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with Right Fit For Risk Cyber Security Accreditation.

Third-Party IT Vendor Deed Guidelines


Provides Third-Party IT Vendor Deed Guidelines that form part of the Deed and provides information for Vendors on their continuing obligations.

TPIT Vendor Guidelines v1.0.pdf

Bridge Accreditation Report


This document is to assist employment services providers understand the scope of the accreditation of Bridge performed for the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (the department). The accreditation assessment has been performed against the Information Security Manual (ISM) March 2023.

Bridge Accreditation Report.pdf

ISO 27001 risk assessment 


Provides a high-level overview of the concept of risk assessment and treatment in an ISO 27001 context

Management of third parties – life cycle


Explains the stages in the life cycle of third party vendors and highlights what providers should think about when contracting with third parties.

Management of Third Parties - Overview


Assists Providers identify their third parties, who is responsible for them and determine what impact the security of these entities have on a Provider’s environment.

RFFR Questionnaire v2.0


The intent of this questionnaire is to allow the department to understand the cyber security posture of each Tendering organisation. Responses to the questions should be collated from employees with the relevant knowledge in your organisation.

RFFR Questionnaire v2.0 March 2024.pdf

RFFR Statement of Applicability (SoA) Template


The Statement of Applicability (SoA) template includes controls from contractual obligations, Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM) and ISO27001 Annex A.

Right Fit For Risk (RFFR) – Finding the right sponsor


Details the need to identify an internal sponsor to oversee the implementation of the customised ISO 27001 in all areas of the organisation

Scope template


Provides example headings and guidance for documenting the ISMS Scope in accordance with ISO27001 clause 4, while also communicating key elements of the business, systems and information associated with delivering the Services and describing the provider’s implementation of the RFFR Core Expectation areas.

Right Fit For Risk (RFFR) Scope Template.pdf