VET Student Loans Information Booklet
The VET Student Loans Information Booklet provides key information students applying for a VET Student Loan need to know. The topics covered include eligibility, applying for and managing your loan, as well as your rights and obligations. You must read this booklet before applying for a VET Student Loan.
Government eCAF API system access request form
Government eCAF API system access request form.
Government eCAF System Access Request form
Government eCAF system access request form.
Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Application Process
Providers wanting to apply to have their tool approved for the assessment of the students' academic suitability for VET Student Loans should read this document.
Assessment of LLN testing tools for the VET Student Loans program
Describes the assessment of language, literacy and numeracy testing instruments and processes for VET Student Loans.
Census Day Calculator
A provider must set census days for each course. There must be at least 3 census days for the course. Each census day for part of the course must be at least 20% of the way between when that part of the course commences and when a student is expected to complete that part of the course. The census day calculator assists providers calculate a census day, when inputting the start and end date for a unit.
HITS User Guide
This is a user's guide on how to use the HITS system.