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Delivering Training and Assessment Programs in India with Kangan Institute, in partnership with International Automobile Centre of Excellence (iACE)
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This is a case study on the IST Course delivery feedback from India by Bendigo Kangan Institute, one of the IST programs Registered Training Providers.
Delivering Training and Assessment Programmes in India with Australia-AAMC Training Group
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This is a case study on the IST Course delivery feedback from India by Australia-AAMC Training Group, one of the IST programs Registered Training Providers.
Delivering Training and Assessment Programmes in Bhutan with TAFE Directors Australia, in partnership with TAFE QLD and Melbourne Polytechnic
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This is a case study on the IST Course delivery feedback from Bhutan by Tafe Directors Australia, one of the IST programs Registered Training Providers.
Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2012-13
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This document relates to the former Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.
Gifts and Benefits Register: 31 January 2022
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This publication records gifts from the period 3 September 2021 to 31 December 2021.
eSAM Quick Reference Guide – Authorising new Provider staff to use DEWR services
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This guide assists provider organisations to set up access for new staff and consultants, and allow them to authenticate into DEWR online services on behalf of the organisation using their digital identity.
eSAM Quick Reference Guide – Linking existing Provider staff to new digital identity
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This guide is for provider organisations whose staff and consultants already have an eSAM account with a user name and password.
The Payments Model for the new model
The former Department of Education, Skills and Employment held a webinar on the Enhanced Services payment model on 10 November 2020.
The Proposed Licensing System for the new model
The information provided here is a historical record of the webinars and discussion paper, outlining the proposed licencing system for the New Employment Services Model.
Empowering YOUth Initiatives Consolidated Learnings report
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The Empowering YOUth Initiative Consolidate learnings report provides evidence on the use of innovative place-based approaches to deliver outcomes for young people in their communities.
Empowering YOUth Initiatives Toolkit
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The EYI Toolkit summarises the learnings from EYI, identifying tips and traps for place based initiatives.
An Infographic of key lessons from Empowering YOUth Initiatives
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The Infographic provides 8 key lessons from the Empowering YOUth Initiative.