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Departmental File List - 1 July to 31 December 2018
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The link contains a pdf and excel formatted listing of files created by the Department between the dates of 1 July and 31 December 2018 which are not exempt from reporting due to privacy or legal reasons.
Department of Jobs and Small Business Enterprise Agreement 2019-2022
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The Enterprise Agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for employees covered by the agreement.
Workforce Australia – Information for business and industry
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Workforce Australia supports business and industry with tailored recruitment and workforce planning, helping them find and hire the right people, with the right skills, at the right time.
New Employment Services Model
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Government employment services are being transformed to deliver better services to job seekers and employers and a better system for providers.
jobactive Deed 2015-2020 – incorporating GDV No.8
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This version of the jobactive Deed includes variations from the original Deed, which commenced on the Deed Commencement Date. A variation history is provided at the end of this document.
Effective 1 January 2019.
Maximum Time Transfers Guideline
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Maximum Time Transfers ensure job seekers who have been with the same provider for an extended period without achieving an Employment Outcome or an HTS jobactive Outcome are transferred to a new provider.
How to Report Fraud and Corruption
Discover how to report suspected fraud and corruption and learn about the department’s approach to fraud corruption control.
Transition to Work Interim Evaluation Strategy
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This document outlines the strategy for evaluating the Transition to Work service.
Department of Employment response to Senate Order 15: 4 May 2015 - 27 September 2015
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This document lists formal appointments made in the Employment portfolio to relevant Commonwealth bodies, along with the term of appointment, remuneration for the position and the appointee's place of permanent residence.
Rapid Prototyping
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A workshop presentation from Peer Academy for Explore Design 2017.
Job Seeker Compliance Public Data - March Quarter 2017
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The Department of Employment publishes quarterly reports on a range of job seeker compliance data.
Senate Order 95 Tabling of List of Grants in the Senate for period 3 May 2011 to 26 Sept 2011
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Senate Order 95, the Minchin Order, requires agencies to publish a list of all grants approved in each portfolio or agency, including the value of grant, recipient of the grant and the program from which the grant was made.
Department of Jobs and Small Business Strategic Plan 2017-2020
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The Department of Jobs and Small Business Strategic Plan 2017–2020 sets the direction for how the Department works for the coming four years.
Grants announced since 1 July 2017
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This document provides a list of grants awarded by the former Department of Employment since 1 July 2017.