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Certification of Complaince with Australian Government Advertising Guidelines for jobactive and Restart 2017
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Chief Executive Certification for Government Advertising Campaigns
Support for businesses – Investing in Experience Tool Kit
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This document is your guide for employing mature age workers in Australia.
Departmental File List – 1 July to 31 December 2016
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Procedural Order of Continuing Effect Number 12 requires each Department to publish a list of the titles of all relevant files, including new parts of existing files, created in the preceding six months commencing on 1 January and on 1 July.
Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency
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Portfolio Budget Statements for the Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency
Comcare, the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission, and the Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority
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Portfolio Budget Statements for Comcare, the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission, and the Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority.
Australian Building and Construction Commission
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Portfolio Budget Statements for the Australian Building and Construction Commission
Fair Work Ombudsman and the Registered Organisations Commission
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Portfolio Budget Statements for the Fair Work Ombudsman and the Registered Organisations Commission
Workplace Gender Equality Agency
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Portfolio Budget Statements for the Workplace Gender Equality Agency
Certification of compliance with Australian Government Advertising Guidelines for ParentsNext campaign
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Chief Executive Certification for Government Advertising Campaigns.
Job Seeker Compliance Data – September Quarter 2015
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A document containing job seeker compliance data for the months July, Aug and Sept - referred to as 'September Quarter' data word version
Job Seeker Compliance Data – December Quarter 2015
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A document containing job seeker compliance data for the months Oct, Nov and Dec - referred to as 'December Quarter' data word version
Summary of the Changes to Job Seeker Compliance Data
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Some changes to the format of the quarterly public data have been made, this document explains why the format change was made
Grants announced up to 30 June 2017
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This document provides a list of grants awarded by the former Department of Employment.
jobactive print ad 1
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jobactive print advertisement 1 for the jobactive advertising campaign