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Developing your “employer pitch”
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A step by step guide to developing your “employer pitch” for the aged care and disability services sector.
Calculating the Leading Indicator of Employment
Overview of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations’ Monthly Leading Indicator of Employment
Reports using survey data
How information from participant surveys is used and where the results can be found.
Survey information for participants
Background information on participant surveys including how information is collected and how participants are selected.
Applying Behavioural Economics to Increase the Take-up of Wage Subsidies
This report outlines key findings from a successful trial aimed at improving the uptake of wage subsidies through the use of behavioural economics.
Job Commitment Bonus for Young Australians Evaluation
This report is an evaluation of the Job Commitment Bonus for Young Australians.
Employment Services Outcomes Reports
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations monitors outcomes for employment services participants through Post-Program Monitoring (PPM) surveys.
Trialling digital solutions
The Online Employment Services Trial and the Volunteer Online Employment Services Trial assessed the best way to deliver digital solutions to job seekers.
Who can participate in New Business Assistance with NEIS?
Details on eligibility for New Business Assistance with NEIS.
NEIS training, support and payments
Details on NEIS training, NEIS Allowance, NEIS Rental Assistance and business mentoring support for NEIS participants.
NEIS Success Stories
The following stories highlight successful businesses established with the help of New Business Assistance with NEIS.
Impact investing
About impact investing, publications, tools and activities that support its development in Australia.
Your service guarantee as a participant in Transition to Work
The Australian Government expects Transition to Work providers to deliver quality services to participants and employers.
Work for the Dole Evaluation
The then Department of Employment commissioned an independent evaluation of the Work for the Dole 2014-15 Programme. The evaluation was conducted by The Social Research Centre working with the Australian National University (ANU).