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Evaluate and adjust
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This resource helps you evaluate your supported returner program.
A guide to creating a supported returner program
The information in this section is to assist you in designing, developing, and implementing your supported returner program.
Actions: Reviewing workplace policies
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This resource sets out the actions you can implement to improve workplace policies and to ensure they reflect changes in the external environment, such as legislative changes.
ACTIONS: Reviewing workplace policies
Progress towards sustainable gender equality, diversity and inclusion requires best practice to be integrated into the design and operation of key policies and processes.
Actions: Establish understanding and respectful workplace behaviours
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This resource sets out the actions you can implement to ensure employees feel supported, encouraged and psychologically safe in their workplace.
ACTIONS: Establish understanding and respectful workplace behaviours
It is important that employees feel supported, encouraged and psychologically safe in their work environment. This includes ensuring employees understand and demonstrate respectful workplace behaviours.
Actions: Ensure all infrastructure meets needs of all employees
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This resource sets out the actions you can implement to ensure the physical work environment (uniforms, equipment and facilities) is safe, suitable, clean, well maintained and meets the needs of all employees.
ACTIONS: Ensure all infrastructure meets needs of all employees
The physical work environment (uniforms, equipment and facilities) is safe, suitable, clean, well maintained and meets the needs of all employees.
ACTIONS: Reviewing and promoting workplace practices
Organisations review HR practices, rituals and communication regularly to ensure they reflect changes in the external environment.
ACTIONS: Monitoring progress of women's participation
There is ongoing monitoring of women’s participation, and insights are addressed in a timely and efficient manner.
ACTIONS: Engagement and awareness of flexible work
Policies and practices surrounding flexible work should be clear and accessible for all employees and their managers.
ACTIONS: Workforce planning to deliver business outcomes
Systematic workforce planning aligns businesses and human resource needs to improve business outcomes.
ACTIONS: Recruitment and engagement strategies to attract women
Attracting and retaining previously underutilised sources of talent, including women, is key to addressing a skills shortage facing Australian businesses.
ACTIONS: Improving your organisation's reputation
Organisations have a positive reputation in the broader community and are recognised as an employer of choice.
ACTIONS: Improving job design
How a job is designed has a major impact on employee motivation, job satisfaction, absenteeism, and turnover.
ACTIONS: Improving job advertisements
Job advertisements represent the ‘face’ of the organisation and send a strong signal about an organisation’s culture and values, and available job opportunities.
ACTIONS: Develop an employee value proposition for your organisation
The employee value proposition (EVP) portrays how the labour market and employees perceive the value employees gain by working in an organisation.
ACTIONS: Improve your organisation's recruitment selection process
The selection process is open, transparent, free of biases and encourages women to participate in the selection process.