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Foundation Skills For Your Future Remote Community Pilots
The Foundation Skills for Your Future Remote Community Pilots are now closed.
Future Ready
Future Ready supports students to make successful transitions from school. It is a National Career Education Strategy that helps students move from school to further education, training or work.
National Skills Commission (NSC)
The National Skills Commission has now been abolished with the passage of the Jobs and Skills Australia (National Skills Commissioner Repeal) Act 2022.
National Training Complaints Hotline
If you have a complaint relating to your experiences whilst undertaking training in the vocational education and training (VET) sector, the National Training Complaints Hotline can refer your complaint to the most appropriate authority to have you
National VET Data
The national VET dataset captures vocational education and training (VET) occurring across Australia. Policy and legislation set out the information you need to provide, and what can be done with this data.
Review of the Australian Apprenticeships National Skills Needs List
The review of the Australian Apprenticeships National Skills Needs List is now closed.
Review of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
You can read a summary of the 23 recommendations made by Professor Valerie Braithwaite after conducting a Review of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.
Revitalising TAFE Campuses Across Australia Initiative
The Government committed $50 million for the Revitalising TAFE Campuses Across Australia program, in partnership with state and territory governments.
Skills information for training providers
Skills information for training providers helps to ensure Vocational Education and Training (VET) is meeting the expected standards. This supports students to gain the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the workplace.
Skills Organisations
Three industry-led Skills Organisation Pilots were established to strengthen and enhance the role of industry and employers in the system. Following a successful pilot, the work of the Skills Organisation Pilots will end on 30 June 2023.
Trainer and assessor requirements
Well-qualified trainers and assessors play a vital role in educating and skilling Australia’s workforce.
National Careers Institute
The National Careers Institute (NCI) supports Australians with reliable and accurate careers information and resources.
About the department
We support people to have safe, secure and well-paid work with the skills for a sustainable future.
Using this site
Information about the website, how to use it and how to use and share our content.
Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme
The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme helps to fill labour gaps in rural and regional Australia - and nationally for agriculture and select agriculture-related food product manufacturing sectors - by offering employers access to a po
Social Enterprise Development and Investment Funds
The Social Enterprise Development and Investment Funds (SEDIF) offer finance and support to eligible social enterprises to help them grow their business and increase the impact of their work in their communities.