Local Recovery Fund

The Local Recovery Fund is available in 51 Employment Regions (regions).

On this page:

The Local Recovery Fund supports locally driven activities that:

  • meet priorities identified in the region’s Local Jobs Plan
  • are tailored to the opportunities and needs identified in the region
  • address employment and training priorities; and
  • skill individuals to meet local employer demand.

Local Recovery Fund activities are usually sought via a Request for Proposal procurement process. If you are interested in developing a Local Recovery Fund proposal, contact your local Employment Facilitator.

To view current and past Local Recovery Fund activities, search the below table using relevant filters. For more information, contact your local Employment Facilitator.


From Care to Educate - Childcare Pre-Employment Program

ForesiteTraining Pty Ltd
Employment Region:
North and North Western Tasmania

A tailored pre-employment program was delivered for entry level roles within the childcare sector. The program involved training and mentoring supports with units of competency from the Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care, including a First Aid competency and a Working with Vulnerable People card.

Games Fest - Digital Work is Real

Northern Joblink Limited t/as National Joblink
Employment Region:
North and North Western Tasmania
The activity aimed to improve the job-readiness of participants, with a focus on young people who have an interest in online games. The project sought to improve the transferability of participant’s existing skills and connections to technology related industries in the region. It combined blocks of gaming industry themed experiential learning and work preparation training. The activity included two Employability Skills Training courses as well as events with local employers to maximise opportunities for employment, work experience and networking for participants.

Helping Burnie Work into the Future

Business North West
Employment Region:
North and North Western Tasmania
This activity was delivered to enable long term unemployed people in the Burnie area to improve motivation, employability and acquire work ready skills. This was a business led program that linked local small and medium business with long-term unemployed people with multiple barriers to employment. The program drew on well-established local relationships and previous work to create change for individuals by facilitating improved connections to local employers and confidence for participants.

HIA Mentoring Program

Housing Industry Association Limited
Employment Region:
Hobart and Southern Tasmania
The activity was an industry led, employer mentoring program to support the building and construction sector to recruit and retain participants who experienced barriers to employment.

Lady Gowrie Tasmania Pathway to a Traineeship

Lady Gowrie Tasmania
Employment Region:
Hobart and Southern Tasmania
This activity included a pre-employment program tailored to working in the early childhood learning and care sector. At the end of the program, participants completed a two-week work placement, and after successful completion were offered a traineeship with Lady Gowrie Tasmania.

Local Jobs in Food Manufacturing Program

CVGT Australia Limited
Employment Region:
Hobart and Southern Tasmania
The intensive 7 week, 3 days per week pre-employment training and work experience initiative prepared participants for employment in the diverse Circular Head food products/primary produce processing sector. 

Northwest Regional Workforce Mobilisation Project

Brumby Hill Aboriginal Corporation
Employment Region:
North and North Western Tasmania
The activity involved providing intensive ‘wrap around’ support and employment preparatory training to support Indigenous participants from the local community in the North West Coast of Tasmania. The activity assisted participants to obtain work experience and employment with culturally supportive workplaces and included education and tailored post-placement support. The cultural competency of local employers was also improved through their engagement with this activity.

Our Way Home Program

Nayri Niara Pty Ltd
Employment Region:
Hobart and Southern Tasmania
The program provided participants with cultural and wellbeing residentials, work-like experience, and accredited project management training over a five-month period. The activity aimed to place a minimum of 10 people into employment. The program also engaged with industry partners in the Aboriginal art, hospitality and tourism sectors, and Aboriginal Elders/Knowledge keepers in the activity co-design.

Pathway to a Apprenticeship and Traineeship

Work and Training Limited
Employment Region:
Hobart and Southern Tasmania
The activity was aimed at creating a direct pathway to employment for participants by supporting them to develop their employability and entry level skills to successfully apply for and commence in apprenticeships and traineeships. The program included leveraging existing host employers to provide industry experience, networks and work placements with employers that had, or anticipated, vacancies for apprentices or trainees. The program benefited employers by connecting them to a broader pool of labour, and participants were supported to explore their strengths and interests in specific workplaces and opportunities.

Pathways to an Apprenticeship or Traineeship (Northern Tasmania)

Work and Training Limited
Employment Region:
North and North Western Tasmania
The activity created a direct pathway to employment for participants by supporting them to develop their employability and entry level skills to secure an apprenticeship or traineeship. Employers that had or anticipated vacancies for apprentices or trainees provided participants with industry experience, networks and work placements. The program also benefited employers by connecting to a broader pool of labours. participants were supported to explore their strengths and interests in specific workplaces and opportunities.

Learn how Local Jobs is providing pathways for job seekers aged 15 to 24 years in the Illawarra and South Coast region.

Learn how Local Jobs is providing pathways for women over 45 back into the workforce in the Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast region, while also filling in-demand roles in the local childcare industry.