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Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining Report – June quarter 2020
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Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining is a quarterly report containing data about the number of enterprise agreements made in the federal workplace relations system, as well as data about the number of employees covered and the level of wage inc
Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining report December 2019
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Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining is a quarterly report containing data about the number of enterprise agreements made in the federal workplace relations system, as well as data about the number of employees covered and the level of wage inc
Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining report September 2019
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Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining is a quarterly report containing data about the number of enterprise agreements made in the federal workplace relations system, as well as data about the number of employees covered and the level of wage inc
Coal LSL Review Terms of Reference
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Terms of reference for the Independent Review of the Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Scheme, the portable long service leave scheme administered by Coal LSL.
Enhancing certainty and fairness: Report of the Coal LSL review
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Report of the Independent Review of the Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Scheme, the portable long service leave scheme administered by Coal LSL.
Government response to the report of the Coal LSL review
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Government response to the Independent Review of the Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Scheme, the portable long service leave scheme administered by Coal LSL.
Australian Government response to the interim report - Protecting Australians from the threat of asbestos
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The government tabled its response to the Interim Report: Protecting Australians from the threat of asbestos in the Senate in August 2018.
Centre for Workplace Leadership - Workplace Gender and Equality Strategy project
On 4 March 2015, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, the then Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women, announced that the Centre for Workplace Leadership at the University of Melbourne will be undertaking a Workplace Gender and Equality Strate
Former Select Council on Workplace Relations terms of reference and meeting communiques
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The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Select Council on Workplace Relations was established to progress significant reforms on a range of national workplace relations and work health and safety issues.
The former Select Council on Workplace Relations
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Select Council on Workplace Relations was established to progress significant reforms on a range of national workplace relations and work health and safety issues.
National Careers Institute Partnership Grants program Round 4 projects announced
More than $2.4 million of Australian Government funding has been awarded to 9 innovative projects in the latest round of the National Careers Institute’s Partnership Grants program.
Fixing the system not the women Toolkit
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This guidance material supports businesses to identify and disrupt bias across the talent lifecycle. It provides detailed guidance on:
Employee Value Proposition Toolkit
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This guidance material contains tools, tips and advice to help HR professionals and business leaders to develop a compelling Employee Value Proposition.
Job Crafting Toolkit
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This guidance material helps individuals to experiment with job crafting in their role or with their team. It outlines the core elements of job crafting and includes practical tools and processes to support individuals to re-craft their roles.
Leading to Unlock Potential Toolkit
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This guidance material supports mentors and mentees to establish productive relationships.
Using Payslips as Wage Evidence
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A knowledge article explaining how Employers can use payslips as wage evidence when submitting BAC/CAC claims
Using Payroll Prints as Wage Evidence
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A knowledge article explaining how Employers can use payroll prints as wage evidence when submitting BAC/CAC claims
Financial Year 2012-13 Senate Order on departmental and agency contracts listing relating to the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013
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