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Secure Jobs, Better Pay
Legislation to improve Australia’s workplace relations system has received royal assent from the Governor-General.
Reconnection, Employment and Learning (REAL) Program
The Australian Government has committed $76.2 million over 5 years to a new voluntary program to improve how First Nations people transition out of the justice system and into employment.
Digital Partnership Office
If you are a digital partner organisation or looking to become a digital partner and would like to engage with the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, the Digital Partnership Office (DPO) is your first point of contact.
Digital ID for accessing DEWR online services
To access our online services, you will need a digital ID.
Skilling Australians Fund levy
The Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) levy is paid by employers who sponsor skilled workers from overseas.
Supporting worker transition through energy system changes
The Australian Government is supporting communities most likely to be affected by the closure of emissions-intensive industry.
Employment Services Data
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations regularly publishes data related to the delivery of employment services.
Real Jobs, Real Wages
The Real Jobs, Real Wages initiative will invest $32.1 million to support people who are at risk of long-term unemployment into secure work.
Australian Skills Guarantee
The Australian Skills Guarantee (Skills Guarantee) uses government investment in major projects to help train the next generation of skilled workers.
Skills Reform
To support the future growth and prosperity of our nation, the Australian, state and territory governments are committed to improving the vocational education and training (VET) system through reform.
Training Package Assurance
Training Package Assurance is the review of training packages to ensure they meet national standards and policy.
National Skills Agreement
Australia is undergoing a significant transformation in vocational education and training (VET) with the Australian Government delivering the National Skills Agreement (the Agreement).
Parent Pathways
Parent Pathways is a voluntary service that provides personalised assistance and financial support to eligible parents and carers of children up to the age of 6 years.
Parent Pathways
Parent Pathways هي خدمة طوعية تقدم مساعدة شخصية ودعمًا ماليًا للآباء والأمهاتالمؤهلين ومقدمي الرعاية للأطفال حتى سن 6 سنوات.
Parent Pathways
Parent Pathways ܝܼܠܵܗܿ ܚܕܵܐ ܚܸܠܡܲܬ ܨܸܒܼܝܵܢܵܝܬܵܐ ܕܟܹܐ ܡܙܲܘܸܕܵܐ ܥܘܼܕܪܵܢܵܐ ܦܲܪܨܘܿܦܵܝܵܐ ܘܣܢܵܕܬܵܐ ܟܸܣܦܵܢܵܝܬܵܐ (ܙܘܼܙܵܢܵܝܬܵܐ) ܩܵܐ ܐܲܒܼܵܗܹܐ ܚܫܝܼܚܹܐ ܘܡܲܣܸܡܵܢܹܐ ܕܒܵܠܵܐ ܠܫܲܒܼܪܹܐ ܕܝܼܢܵܐ ܒܥܘܼܡܪܵܐ ܕܗܲܠ 6 ܫܸܢܹܐ.
Parent Pathways
Parent Pathways 是一项志愿服务,旨在为 6 岁以下儿童的符合条件的父母和照顾者提供个性化援助和经济支持。
Parent Pathways 的核心是父母和照顾者及其个人需求。在合格导师的帮助下,您可以获得灵活的支持,以协助实现任何个人、学习或工作目标。
Parent Pathways
Parent Pathways یک خدمات داوطلبانه است که کمک شخصیسازیشده و حمایت مالی را به والدین واجد شرایط و مراقبین اطفالِ تا سن 6 ساله ارائه می دهد.
Parent Pathways
Parent Pathways là dịch vụ tự nguyện cung cấp hỗ trợ theo nhu cầu riêng và hỗ trợ tài chính cho cha mẹ và người chăm sóc đủ điều kiện của trẻ em dưới 6 tuổi.