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Case studies
Businesses from a range of industries have participated in Career Revive.
PALMIS Newsletter No 1 – 30/08/2023
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The PALMIS newsletter is sent to all registered PALMIS users to keep you informed about important features of the system and how to use them.
Actions: Engagement and awareness of flexible work
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This resource sets out the actions you can implement to improve engagement and awareness of flexible working arrangements.
Actions: Reviewing and promoting workplace practices
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This resource sets out the actions you can implement to review and promote workplace practices including flexible working arrangements.
Actions: Monitoring progress of women's participation
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This resource sets out the actions you can implement to monitor progress of women’s participation.
Actions: Using workforce data to improve your workforce planning
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This resource sets out the actions you can implement by using workforce data to improve workforce planning.
Actions: Recruitment and engagement strategies to attract women
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This resource sets out the actions you can implement to improve recruitment and engagement strategies to attract women.
Actions: Improving your organisation's reputation
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This resource sets out the actions you can implement to improve your organisation’s reputation in the broader community and be recognised as an employer of choice.
Actions: Improving job design
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This resource sets out the actions you can implement to improve job design.
Senate Order 15 – 29 September 2020 to 1 March 2021 Education, Skills and Employment
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Senate Order 15 – 29 September 2020 to 1 March 2021 Education, Skills and Employment