Aged Care Workforce Activation Program
Prestige Staffing Solutions
Employment Region: Wivenhoe
The activity involved a tailored employment pathway into the health and community care sector, engaging participants in a five-week training program to upskill, reskill and guide them into entry level roles in Aged Care and Individual Support. Participants received mentoring and complete a vocational placement, and as trainees, were supported into employment with local health and community care services in the Wivenhoe Employment Region.
Aviation Logistics Team
Cairns Aviation Skills Centre
Employment Region: Cairns
The activity was a 6-week training and work project that was aimed at developing and placing participants into administrative, compliance and logistics roles with at least three identified employers at the Cairns Airport.
Aviation Specialty Trade Assistance Training activity
Cairns Aviation Skills Centre
Employment Region: Cairns
The activity involved the creation and delivery of industry designed, non-accredited training to create a pathway into aviation for job seekers who were unable to directly engage in the Licenced Aircraft Mechanical Engineering (LAME) apprenticeship course.
Barbering Pre-Employment Program
Enterprise and Training Company (ETC) Limited
Employment Region: Gold Coast
The activity involved the provision of a pre-employment program to upskill and reskill job seekers within the barbering industry. It delivered four weeks of pre-employment training to job seekers and supported them to engage in immersive training and employment with local barbering services.
Big Brother Program
Everything Suarve
Employment Region: Gold Coast
The activity involved intensive pre-employment support to improve the work readiness and skilling of young people for local jobs in construction. The activity delivered training and mentoring to support participants to complete accredited training and work placement and secure employment and or further education.
Building Better
Occupational Skills Centre Australia
Employment Region: Mackay
The activity involved the delivery of nationally accredited training to disadvantaged participants to upskill and place into employment in the rail industry. Training was delivered over 5 weeks, with participants obtaining a Certificate III in Rail Infrastructure Operations.
Call Ready Program
Prestige Staffing Solutions
Employment Region: Gold Coast
The activity aimed to upskill, reskill and build the confidence of participants over a 2-week job readiness program to transition participants into call centre roles.
Care Careers Project Fitzroy
Community Services Industry Alliance
Employment Region: Fitzroy
The activity delivered an 8-week pre-employment program and provided participants with relevant life skill and individual support units, with practical exposure to workplace requirements and mentoring in the health care and social services sector. Participants were supported into entry-level roles in the region with disability and aged care agencies.
Catering and Hospitality Career Start Program
Energy Skills Queensland Inc
Employment Region: Wivenhoe
The activity involved providing training in Certificate II Kitchen Operations to up to 10 participants from an Indigenous or culturally and linguistically diverse background and assisted them with mentoring, online inductions, police checks and medicals to support them to secure employment in the hospitality sector.
Certificate III in Waste Management
Sustainable Learning Australasia Pty Ltd
Employment Region: Somerset
The activity offered a Certificate III in Waste Management, supporting Indigenous Australians, youth and mature age workers with accredited training, life skills, site tours and job placements in the waste management and recycling industry.