Local Recovery Fund

The Local Recovery Fund is available in 51 Employment Regions (regions).

On this page:

The Local Recovery Fund supports locally driven activities that:

  • meet priorities identified in the region’s Local Jobs Plan
  • are tailored to the opportunities and needs identified in the region
  • address employment and training priorities; and
  • skill individuals to meet local employer demand.

Local Recovery Fund activities are usually sought via a Request for Proposal procurement process. If you are interested in developing a Local Recovery Fund proposal, contact your local Employment Facilitator.

To view current and past Local Recovery Fund activities, search the below table using relevant filters. For more information, contact your local Employment Facilitator.


Driving Work Program

Vocational Partnerships Group
Employment Region:
This industry focused activity aimed to strengthen the pathway to employment for 50 young people by providing intense wrap around support for learners, provisional and machinery licences to complement the job preparation this cohort is already receiving and therefore significantly increasing their ability to gain apprenticeships, traineeships and entry level positions that are available and require licences as a pre-requisite.

Empowered: Driving Diversity and Inclusion in Supply Chain and Logistics

360 Academy
Employment Region:
Brisbane South East

The activity consisted of an online pre-employment program over five days aimed at identifying participants' strengths, transferable skills and motivation. The program also addressed barriers with wellbeing-based practices using the principles of positive psychology.

Engineering a Career

DGT Employment and Training
Employment Region:
Brisbane South East

This activity involved a co-designed employment pathway into the manufacturing sector. Participants were reskilled and upskilled into roles with employers by way of entry level skill sets and worksite−based training. The activity delivered pre−employment training to support participants into employment, apprenticeships or traineeships in the manufacturing and construction industry supply chain sector in the Brisbane South East Employment Region.

Entry to Communities Employment Program

Community Services Industry Alliance
Employment Region:
The activity provided education and awareness of available careers in the community services industry. Participants engaged in a four-week, non-accredited, pre-employment program including individualised career counselling to support employment into the various roles and careers in the sector.

ESuarve Job Ready Program

Everything Suarve
Employment Region:
Gold Coast
A pre-employment program aimed to address mental well-being, provide short course qualifications, employability and life skills, site-specific industry visits and support the placement of participants into full-time employment via traineeships and apprenticeships in construction, manufacturing, and warehousing.

First Nations Digital Skills And Employment Training Program

Energy Skills Queensland Inc
Employment Region:
Brisbane South East

The activity provided a pathway into the IT business and the cyber security industry over 7 weeks. It aimed to achieve a 70% job placement with the lead recruitment activity being backed by the lead employer who hosted the participants for one day a week and provided work tasks, jobs, training, and information to guide the participants in real world situations.

Forklift Advantage Program

Threesixty Consulting Group
Employment Region:
Brisbane South East

The activity supported youth and cultural and linguistically diverse participants with a comprehensive understanding of essentials skills, knowledge and competencies required by warehouse general hands and pick packers, including forklift training and licencing with individualised support and immediate employment opportunities in warehousing.

Four Winds

Djaangan-Djagi Pty Ltd
Employment Region:
This activity involved participants completing non-accredited pre-employment units, followed by individually tailored mentoring to gain and retain employment in the Fitzroy Employment Region. Culturally appropriate mentoring was provided to participants though the Actional Yarns Program, with habit and behaviour change coaching activities designed to improve participants' engagement and employability skills. The supplier engaged with local employers to source suitable employment opportunities.

Fraser Coast Direct Care Workforce Traineeship Program

The Trustee for Mickamob Trust
Employment Region:
Wide Bay Burnett
The activity involved maximising employment pathways into the health care sector for participants to reskill and upskill them into high demand vacancies by way of a recognised skillset of four units from a Certificate III in Individual Support, and transition support into paid employment as trainees.

Front of House Essentials Program

Karingal St Laurence
Employment Region:
Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast

The activity supported Indigenous, long term unemployed, young people, mature age participants and women with essential skills and knowledge for service based roles within the hospitality and tourism industry.  Participants provided positive feedback on developing confidence and skills to successfully gain employment and/or actively look for sustainable employment upon completion. 

Learn how Local Jobs is providing pathways for job seekers aged 15 to 24 years in the Illawarra and South Coast region.

Learn how Local Jobs is providing pathways for women over 45 back into the workforce in the Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast region, while also filling in-demand roles in the local childcare industry.