
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with About the department.

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations - 2023 APS Employee Census Highlights Report


The APS Employee Census (Census) is an annual survey which is used to collect confidential attitude and opinion information from staff on important issues in the workplace. Results assist in evaluating the working environment and informing strategies to build workplace capability and culture.

2023 APS Employee Census Highlights Report.pdf

DEWR Annual Report 2022–23


The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations 2022–23 Annual Report includes the department’s financial statements and annual performance statement for the financial year ending 30 June 2023.

2580 DEWR_Annual Report_202223_acc.pdf

Chief Executive Certification for Government Advertising Campaigns - Certification Statement - Fee-Free TAFE Campaign


Certification statement for the Fee-Free TAFE campaign showing that the Secretary of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations certifies that this campaign complies with the Guidelines on Information and Advertising Campaigns by non-corporate Commonwealth entities.

Signed certification Fee-Free TAFE campaign.pdf

Departmental File List – 1 January to 30 June 2023


Senate Order of Continuing Effect Number 12 Indexed List of Departmental Files – indexed list of all relevant file titles relating to policy advising functions, the development of legislation, and matters of public administration.

Senate Order Listing - Employment and Workplace Relations - 01 Jan to 30 Jun 2023.pdf

Employment and Workplace Relations 2023–24 Portfolio Budget Statements


The Employment and Workplace Relations 2023–24 Portfolio Budget Statements provides government expenditure estimates for the 2023–24 budget year. The PBS was tabled in Parliament on 9 May 2023.

DEWR 2023-24 PBS Final.pdf