
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with About the department.

Fact sheet - Accessing and correcting your information

This resource was published by The Department of Education, Skills and Employment and due to Machinery of Government changes is hosted by The Department of Education. View on

Procedures for dealing with Public Interest Disclosures


These procedures are for the purpose of dealing with public interest disclosures made under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act). The PID Act creates a public interest disclosure scheme that promotes internal reporting of suspected wrongdoing in public sector agencies. These procedures will assist department employees and other people to understand their obligations under the PID Act.

DEWR Procedures for Dealing with Public Interest Disclosures.pdf

Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business Annual Report 2018-19


The annual report contains information on the department's activities during the 2018-19 financial year.

This accessibility-optimised PDF reflects the version of the report as tabled in parliament. A full accessible version of the report will be available on the website on Wednesday 16 October 2019.

Department of Education and Training Annual Report 2018–19


The annual report contains information on the department's activities during the 2018 –19 financial year. The Annual Report was tabled in Parliament on 14 October 2019.

The report is also available in HTML format through the Transparency Portal, a central repository of publicly available corporate information for all Commonwealth bodies.

Senate Order Listing of Dept File Titles - 1 Jan - 30 Jun 2019


The link contains a pdf and excel formatted listing of files created by the Department between the dates of 1 January and 30 June which are not exempt from reporting due to privacy or legal reasons.

Fraud and Corruption Control Strategy


Fraud and Corruption Control Strategy outlines how the department protects public money and data, and supports the department and its stakeholders to prevent, protect and respond to fraud and corruption.

v1.1 Fraud and Corruption Control Strategy (External Version).pdf

Generalist Career Pathway


Do you want to be part of something bigger — leading projects that maximise prosperity and opportunity through national leadership on education and making a real difference to the people and communities of Australia? If so, we want to hear from you!