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Does the role of industry need to be strengthened or expanded across the VET system? Why/why not?
- What does industry engagement mean to you?
- How can industry be encouraged to connect with and use the VET system? What does this look like?
- Are there any roles for industry in the VET system that are not covered or outlined in the case for change?
Yes, the role of industry needs to be strengthened and expanded across the VET system. Industry engagement means to me an inclusive and simple process for employers and associations to provide feedback on the VET system. We also need to see a stronger voice from students and learners about what they need. Industry could be encouraged to connect with and use the VET system through greater promotion and education for employers on the supports available and benefits of hiring an apprentice or trainee. In regards to Training Package reviews the current process is far too slow and complex. Encouraging industry to engage in Training package reviews will require IRCs providing more time for industry to consider the materials, which need to be significantly simplified. For example, current web links require at least 6 clicks to actually get to the detail of the Training Package review, which is a zip file that needs to be downloaded with the main document being 30+ pages. This is far too cumbersome for busy industry stakeholders to read and analyse. Two weeks response time is not long enough for industry to engage in a meaningful way when they are busy running their businesses and rushing the engagement process makes it appear non-genuine to industry. The case for change has industry's role covered. However, it requires better alignment between state and national resources to improve industry engagement outcomes.
Are you aware of the current industry-leadership arrangements led by the Australian Industry and Skills Commission?
How effective are the current industry engagement arrangements in VET in meeting your needs?
- What works well and what could be improved? How could it be improved?
- How well are you (or your organisation) represented by these arrangements?
- How well do current arrangements allow collaboration across industry sectors on common workforce and skills needs?
Current industry engagement arrangements are far too convoluted with so many different IRCs and SSOs all approaching engagement differently which is rushed through quickly within 2 weeks or less. New approaches by South Australia are working well, such as Skilling South Australia, course accreditation for covid-19, micro credentials and establishment of Industry Skills Councils. Current arrangements do not provide opportunity for collaboration across industry sectors, which is usually based on the relationships between stakeholders. The VET system needs to better cater for collaboration as well as flexibility for employers who are managing rapidly changing work places.
What can be done to drive greater collaboration across industries to broaden career pathways for VET graduates and maximise the workforce available to employers?
- How can workers be equipped with skills that can be applied across different jobs?
- How can industry support this through the VET system?
- How can we break down silos and improve collaboration across industry groups?
Micro credentials and skills passports need to be considered for VET graduates to have broader career pathways. Breaking down silos needs greater interaction between State and Commonwealth agencies with VET system responsibilities and opportunity for cross-sector engagement. New technologies for virtual meetings could be used to efficiently bring the various parties together.
Are qualifications fit-for-purpose in meeting the needs of industry and learners now and into the future? Why/why not?
- Are the different needs of industry and learners effectively considered in designing qualifications in the current system? What works well and why?
- Are there issues or challenges with the way qualifications are currently designed? What are they and what could be done to address these?
No response provided.
Are there any further issues in relation to improving industry engagement in the VET sector that you would like to provide feedback on?
Expand your list of industries in this survey and others to include contemporary industries such as defence, aerospace, cybersecurity, etc. etc. The list provided upfront for survey respondents to nominate their industry was very narrow. Alternatively, provide a 'other (please specify)' option.