
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with About the department.

The Education Portfolio Annual Deregulation Report 2014


The Education portfolio Annual Deregulation Report 2014 provides information on key deregulation activities and achievements of the portfolio across 2014, prior to the Machinery of Government changes on 23 December 2014.

Departmental File List - 1 July to 31 December 2014

Procedural Order of Continuing Effect Number 12 requires each Department to publish a list of the titles of all relevant files, including new parts of existing files, created in the preceding six months commencing on 1 January and on 1 July.

Departmental File List - 1 July to 31 December 2014


Procedural Order of Continuing Effect Number 12 requires each Department to publish a list of the titles of all relevant files, including new parts of existing files, created in the preceding six months commencing on 1 July and on 31 December 2014.

Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2014–15 Education and Training Portfolio

The Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements (PAES) 2014–15 for the Education and Training Portfolio provide an update to the government expenditure estimates for the 2014–15 budget year and reflect changes since the budget. The PAES was tabled in Parliament on 12 February 2015.

Reconciliation Action Plan 2018-2020


The Department of Education, Skills and Employment (former Department of Education and Training) Reconciliation Action Plan. This document outlines the actions the department commits to in furthering reconciliation and improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

Cover of the RAP

Reconciliation Action Plan 2018-2020


The Department of Education and Training Reconciliation Action Plan. This document outlines the actions the department commits to in furthering reconciliation and improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 
