Industry: Advanced Manufacturing

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Breaking Barriers: Women in Trades and Tech

Industry: Advanced Manufacturing, Clean Energy, Construction and Digital and Technology

Location: National

Lead: Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union

This project has 2 key initiatives: Breaking Barriers in Industry and Breaking Barriers in Training.

The industry initiative partners with companies, with the support of community organisations, to improve flexibility, workplace culture and gender equity in workplaces, reaching over 30,000 workers through the development, piloting and delivery of tailored trainings and action plans.

The Training initiative collaborates with TAFEs, Group Training Organisations (GTOs) and industry to deliver flexible, co-designed pathways for women into apprenticeships and technical roles.

Partners: The Australian Industry Group, Alstom Transport Australia, ARA Manufacture Pty Ltd, Asian Women at Work Inc, Bega Dairy and Drinks Services Pty Ltd, Bendigo Kangan Institute, CDC Victoria Pty Ltd, Central Highlands Group Training Incorporated, First Person Consulting Pty Ltd, Migrant Workers Centre Limited, South Metropolitan TAFE, TAFE Queensland, Technical and Further Education Commission, Thales Australia Limited, Tradeswomen Australia Foundation Ltd, UGL Engineering Pty Ltd, Victorian Trades Hall Council, Viva Energy Australia Pty Ltd and Women's Health in the North Inc.

Driving Gender Equity: Strengthening GTOs to Build Women's Careers

Industry: Advanced Manufacturing, Clean Energy and Construction

Location: National

Lead: Network Group Training Australia Ltd (trading as National Apprentice Employment Network)

This project empowers Group Training Organisations (GTOs) to drive change in male-dominated trades like civil construction, clean energy, and advanced manufacturing by addressing barriers for women.

A Gender Equality Action Plan, informed by policy analysis, will guide gender-focused training for GTO leaders and field officers. It will also establish a national women's peer network, connecting female apprentices to share experiences, access mentorship, and address challenges in a safe, supportive space.

These professionally facilitated networks will foster discussion, guidance, and collaboration to support women’s success in priority industries.

Partners: Australian Workers Union, Bendigo Kangan Institute, ECA Training Pty Limited, HVTC Pty Ltd, MEGT (Australia) Ltd and Women in Adult and Vocational Education.

FemTech - Building Women’s Careers as Digital and Tech Professionals

Industry: Advanced Manufacturing, Digital and Tech

Location: VIC, QLD & NSW

Lead: The Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia (Professionals Australia)

FemTech directly addresses systemic barriers preventing women from entering and succeeding in Industry 4.0 careers through 4 interconnected components that create a talent pipeline and opportunities for transformative change for gender equality.

Professionals Australia will lead the FemTech partnership to deliver these 4 components, including:

  • Recruitment industry inclusion campaigns for girls and adult women in the tech industry.
  • Educating women-only cohorts of Autonomous and Applied Technologies VET courses.
  • Supporting career-seekers through community connections and mentoring.
  • Working with employers and employees to address gendered violence in workplaces and promoting leadership and professional growth to support the next generation of women leaders.

Partners: Agenda Media Pty Ltd, Gender Lens Australia Pty Ltd, Girl Geek Academy Pty Ltd, Koorie Women Mean Business Incorporated, TAFE Queensland and Telstra Foundation Ltd.

EmpowerHer Pathways: See what you can be

Industry: Advanced Manufacturing, Clean Energy, Construction, Digital and Technology

Location: Hunter region, NSW

Lead: Network for Educational Workplacements

You can’t be what you can’t see!

EmpowerHer Pathways will show women what they can be. This project will create sustainable, gender-inclusive pathways in renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, construction and digital technology.

With our training and industry partners, we will promote non-traditional career paths to women, helping them see the potential for great careers in these industries.

By addressing real and perceived gender, geographic and industry-specific barriers and establishing a mentoring network to support entry, retention and career advancement in currently male-dominated fields, we will significantly increase skilled, high-paying careers for women.

Partners: Aboriginal Advancement Alliance Pty Ltd, AGL Macquarie Pty Limited, AMPControl Limited, Gamuda Berhad, John Holland Pty Ltd, Hunter Multicultural Communities Inc, Muswellbrook Shire Council, Regional Development Australia- Hunter, Singleton Council and TAFE NSW.

Rise & Build: Empowering Women's Careers

Industry: Construction, Clean Energy, Advanced Manufacturing, Digital and Technology

Location: Riverina Murray region, NSW

Lead: Griffith Skills Training Centre Inc

This project tackles gender and cultural barriers in construction, clean energy, advanced manufacturing, and digital technology, creating sustainable career pathways for women.

By combining tailored training, workforce development, and recruitment solutions, it aims to break barriers, enhance diversity, and deliver lasting opportunities in the Riverina Murray region of NSW.

Partners: Workfront Pty Ltd, Education Services International Supply Group Pty Ltd, Regional Development Australia – Riverina, Proway Livestock Equipment Pty Ltd, Flip Screen Mining Pty Ltd, John Holland Group Pty Ltd, Riverina Group Training and Employment Ltd, Compact Incorporated, NSW Business Chamber Limited, CPB Contractors Pty Limited and Spotless Facility Services Pty Ltd.

ManufactHER: Empowering Women, Transforming Advanced Manufacturing

Industry: Advanced Manufacturing

Location: Central Coast region, NSW

Lead: Central Coast Group Training Limited

The ManufactHER program will transform the NSW Central Coast's advanced manufacturing sector by addressing barriers to women's participation.

Led by Central Coast Group Training (CCGT) in collaboration with Central Coast Industry Connect (CCIC), Coast and Country Primary Care (CCPC), Protective Fencing, and five pre-committed manufacturers, it will pilot flexible roles, inclusive recruitment, and leadership pathways. Six more manufacturers will join after initial success.

Leveraging local partnerships, ManufactHER provides tailored support, boosts women’s skilled participation, improves workplace culture, and fosters sustainable inclusion, creating a scalable model for gender equity and potential national rollout.

Partners: Baltimore Aircoil Australia, Business NSW Central Coast, Central Coast Council, Central Coast Industry Connect Ltd, Chamberlain Group, Coast and Country Primary Care Limited, Protective Fencing Pty Ltd, Mars Food and Nutrition Australia, Shamrock, TAFE NSW and Vanhomes.