
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with Skills Reform.

VET Qualification Reform Consultation Feedback


Between September 2022 and March 2023, significant national consultation was undertaken to test and refine an example VET qualification model. The following provides a summary of stakeholder feedback.

VET Qualification Reform.pdf

Jobs and Skills Councils – Code of Conduct


The Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) Code of Conduct identifies ethical obligations and expected standards as well as internal governance practices.

Jobs and Skills Councils - Code of Conduct (1).pdf

Jobs and Skills Councils – Integrity Framework


The Jobs and Skills Councils Integrity Framework (the Integrity Framework) comprises a suite of levers to establish clear expectations, guidance and good practice for the conduct and oversight of industry engagement.

Jobs and Skills Councils - Integrity Framework.pdf

Jobs and Skills Councils – Performance Framework


The Performance Framework is an attachment to the Jobs and Skills Council Program Guidelines. The Performance Framework serves to demonstrate success, identify opportunities for improvement, and understand overall performance across the JSC program.


TAFE Technology Fund Guidelines


The Australian Government is working with States and Territories to put TAFE at the heart of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector.

TAFE Technology Fund Guidelines.pdf

Australian Digital Capability Framework


The Australian Digital Capability Framework describes the broad digital capabilities required by the workforce. The ADCF is a translation of the international framework DigComp 2.1 for the Australian context and follows the same structure.

Australian Digital Capability Framework.pdf

Digital Capability for Workforce Skills - Final Report 2022


In late 2019 the Australian Industry and Skills Committee established the Digital Transformation Expert Panel to consider how Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) system can most effectively respond to digital change underway across industry and its impact on the nation’s workforce.

D22 1825028  DCfWS final report.pdf

Implementation and Transition Timeline


The Australian Government has committed to delivering a collaborative, tripartite VET sector that brings employers, unions and governments together to find solutions to skills and workforce challenges.

Jobs and Skills Councils Timeline.pdf

Industry Engagement Reforms – Frequently Asked Questions


A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document has been developed, and will be updated, for questions raised about the Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) and the industry engagements arrangements.

Industry Engagement Reforms – Frequently Asked Questions.PDF

Mandatory Workplace Requirements: Good Practice Guide


The Mandatory Workplace Requirements (MWR) Good Practice Guide aims to provide consistency and clarity to training product developers when determining, justifying, and drafting MWR for inclusion in training products.

Mandatory Workplace Requirements Good Practice Guide.pdf