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jobactive Deed 2015-2020 – incorporating GDV No.3
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jobactive Deed 2015-2020 incorporating amendments made under General Deed Variation No.3.
Effective 5 December 2016.
jobactive Deed 2015-2020 – incorporating GDV No.2
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jobactive Deed 2015-2020 incorporating amendments made under General Deed Variation No. 2.
Effective 1 July 2016.
jobactive Deed 2015-2020 – incorporating GDV No.1
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jobactive Deed 2015-2020 incorporating amendments made under General Deed Variation No.1.
Effective 18 January 2016.
jobactive Deed 2015-2020 – incorporating GDV No.5 and SDV No.1
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jobactive Deed 2015-2020 incorporating amendments made under General Deed Variation No.5 and SDV No.1.
Effective 1 July 2017.
Transition to Work Deed 2016-2020 – incorporating GDV No.1
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Transition to Work Deed 2016-2020 incorporating amendments made under General Deed Variation No.1.
Effective 8 August 2016.
Transition to Work Deed 2016-2020 – incorporating GDV No.2
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Transition to Work Deed 2016-2020 incorporating amendments made under General Deed Variation No. 2.
Effective 23 December 2016.
Transition to Work Deed 2016-2020 – incorporating GDV No.3
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Transition to Work Deed 2016-2020 incorporating amendments made under General Deed Variation No. 3.
Effective 1 April 2017.
Employability Skills Training Panel Deed 2017-2020 - incorporating GDV No.1
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Employability Skills Training Panel Deed 2017-2020 - incorporating General Deed Variation No.1 changes.
Effective 1 July 2017.
jobactive Deed 2015-2020 – incorporating GDV No.6
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jobactive Deed 2015-2020 incorporating amendments made under General Deed Variation No.7.5.
Effective 1 January 2018.
Transition to Work Deed 2016-2020 – incorporating GDV No.5
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Transition to Work Deed 2016-2020 incorporating amendments made under General Deed Variation No. 5.
1 January 2018.
Employability Skills Training Panel Deed 2017-2020 - incorporating GSDV No.1
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Employability Skills Training Panel Deed 2017-2020 - incorporating General and Special Deed Variation No.1 changes.
Effective 1 January 2018.
Expert Advisory Panel Terms of Reference
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The terms of reference are a historical record of the purpose, responsibilities and deliverables of panel members who were on the Expert Advisory Panel.
Australian Government response to the Senate Education and Employment References Committee report: Penalty Rates
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Australian Government response to the Senate Education and Employment References Committee report: Penalty Rates
Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2017–18
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The Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements (PAES) provides information on variations since the Budget for the Portfolio's Commonwealth entities who are seeking additional appropriations through Appropriation Bills No. 3 and No. 4.
Issue Number 1 — Implications of differences in employment estimates by industry between ABS Labour Force Survey and ABS Business-survey data
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In this paper, the authors describe the research and analysis implications arising from different employment estimates from the ABS Labour Force Survey and the ABS Business-survey data.
Applying Behavioural Economics to Increase the Take-up of Wage Subsidies
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This report outlines key findings from a successful trial aimed at improving the uptake of wage subsidies through the use of behavioural economics.
Portfolio Budget Statements 2018‑19
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Jobs and Innovation Portfolio (Jobs and Small Business) 2018–19 Portfolio Budget Statements
Department of Jobs and Small Business
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Portfolio Budget Statements for the Department of Jobs and Small Business