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Workplace Gender Equality Agency
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Portfolio Budget Statements for the Workplace Gender Equality Agency
Job Seeker Compliance Public Data - June Quarter 2018
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The Department of Employment publishes quarterly reports on a range of job seeker compliance data.
Australia G20 Employment Plan 2018
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The 2018 G20 Employment Plan for Australia. These documents are a country-owned, country-specific report outlining actions taken by member governments to address common labour market issues and commitments in broad terms.
Redundancy Information Statement
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The Redundancy Information Statement provides a guide for retrenched workers of their rights, entitlements and available support services.
Career Transition Assistance Trial Panel Deed 2018-2020 - incorporating GDV No.1
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Career Transition Assistance Trial Panel Deed 2018-2020 incorporating changes made through General Deed Variation number 1.
Effective 1 January 2019.
Transition to Work Deed 2016-2022 incorporating GDV No.8
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Transition to Work Deed 2016-2022 incorporating changes made under General Deed Variation number 8.
Effective 1 July 2019.
jobactive Deed 2015-2020 incorporating GDV 8
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jobactive Deed 2015-2020 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation number 8.
Portfolio Budget Statements 2019‑20
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Jobs and Innovation Portfolio (Jobs and Small Business) 2019–20 Portfolio Budget Statements
Department of Jobs and Small Business 2019-20
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Portfolio Budget Statements for the Department of Jobs and Small Business 2019-20
Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency 2019-20
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Portfolio Budget Statements for the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency 2019-20
Australian Building and Construction Commission 2019-20
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Portfolio Budget Statements for the Australian Building and Construction Commission 2019-20
Comcare, the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission, and the Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority 2019-20
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Portfolio Budget Statements for Comcare, the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission, and the Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority 2019-20
Fair Work Ombudsman and the Registered Organisations Commission 2019-20
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Portfolio Budget Statements for the Fair Work Ombudsman and the Registered Organisations Commission 2019-20.
Portfolio Budget Statements Glossary 2019-20
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Jobs and Small Business Portfolio Budget Statements glossary 2019-20
Employment Services Outcomes Report April 2017 to March 2018 - jobactive
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Quarterly report containing information about post Employment Services Outcomes achieved for jobactive.