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Transition to Work Interim Evaluation Strategy
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This document outlines the strategy for evaluating the Transition to Work service.
Department of Employment response to Senate Order 15: 4 May 2015 - 27 September 2015
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This document lists formal appointments made in the Employment portfolio to relevant Commonwealth bodies, along with the term of appointment, remuneration for the position and the appointee's place of permanent residence.
Rapid Prototyping
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A workshop presentation from Peer Academy for Explore Design 2017.
Job Seeker Compliance Public Data - March Quarter 2017
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The Department of Employment publishes quarterly reports on a range of job seeker compliance data.
Senate Order 95 Tabling of List of Grants in the Senate for period 3 May 2011 to 26 Sept 2011
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Senate Order 95, the Minchin Order, requires agencies to publish a list of all grants approved in each portfolio or agency, including the value of grant, recipient of the grant and the program from which the grant was made.
Department of Jobs and Small Business Strategic Plan 2017-2020
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The Department of Jobs and Small Business Strategic Plan 2017–2020 sets the direction for how the Department works for the coming four years.
Grants announced since 1 July 2017
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This document provides a list of grants awarded by the former Department of Employment since 1 July 2017.
Employment Services Outcomes Report January 2016 to December 2016 - Jobs, Land and Economy Programme
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Quarterly report containing information about post Employment Services Outcomes achieved for Jobs, Land and Economy Programme.
Senate Order 95 Tabling of List of Grants in the Senate for period 27 Sep 2011 to 23 Jan 2012
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The Tasmanian Jobs Programme Evaluation report
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This evaluation report examines how effective, efficient and appropriate the Tasmanian Jobs Programme was in providing sustained employment opportunities for Tasmanian job seekers who had been unemployed for six months or more.
The Tasmanian Jobs Programme Evaluation Key Facts
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This is a summary of the key findings from the Tasmanian Jobs Programme evaluation.
The Tasmanian Jobs Programme Evaluation Departmental Response
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This is the departmental response to the Tasmanian Jobs Programme Evaluation.
Departmental File List – 1 January to 30 June 2017
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Procedural order of Continuing Effect Number 12 requires each Department to publish a list of the titles of all relevant files, including new parts of existing files, created in the preceding six months from 1 January 2017 to 30&nbs
2019-20 Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business Corporate Plan
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The 2019–20 Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business Corporate Plan is the primary planning document for the department.
Department of Employment Annual Report 2016-17 - Legal Expenditure
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Breakdown of Employment legal expenditure for 2016-17 financial year
Department of Employment Annual Report 2016-17 - Financial Statements
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Department of Employment closing financial statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes, which are available on the department's website, or available in pdf version.
Department of Employment Annual Report 2016-17
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The annual report contains information on the department's activities during the 2016-17 financial year.