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EST Service Delivery Plan - WA - Perth North - APM Employment Services (Participant)
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This is the Service Delivery Plan for APM Employment Service's Employability Skills Training (EST) program in Perth North Employment Region, WA.
EST Service Delivery Plan - WA - Perth South - Status (Participant Block 2)
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This is the Service Delivery Plan for Status' Training Block 2 courses delivered in their Employability Skills Training (EST) program in Perth South Employment Region, WA.
EST Service Delivery Plan - WA - Perth South - Status (Employer)
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This is the Service Delivery Plan for Status's Employability Skills Training (EST) program in Perth South Employment Region, WA. It is targeted towards Businesses.
National Construction Industry Forum
The Australian Government amended the Fair Work Act 2009 (Fair Work Act) to establish the National Construction Industry Forum (the Forum) as an ongoing statutory advisory body.
EST Service Delivery Plan – Jobfind Centres Australia (Participant Block 2)
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This is the Service Delivery Plan for Jobfind Centres Australia's Training Block 2 courses delivered in their Employability Skills Training (EST) program.
EST Service Delivery Plan - WA - Perth South- Status Works Pty Ltd (Participant - Block 2)
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This is the Service Delivery Plan for Status Works Pty Ltd Employability Skills Training (EST) program.
Service Delivery Plans
A Service Delivery Plan captures the key commitments a provider made about how they would deliver services to clients and employers if they were to be awarded a contract.
EST Service Delivery Plan - WISE Employment (Employer)
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This is the Service Delivery Plan for WISE Employment's Employability Skills Training (EST) program, targeted towards Businesses.
EST Service Delivery Plan - Jobfind Centres Australia (Participant)
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This is the Service Delivery Plan for Jobfind Centres Australia's Employability Skills Training (EST) program.
National Priority Fund
The National Priority Fund, part of the Local Jobs program, is designed to help address structural and other barriers to employment faced by people in our communities and facilitate job creation.
ParentsNext Deed 2018-2024 – incorporating GDV No.6
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ParentsNext Deed 2018-2021 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 6.
Corporate Reporting
Our corporate documents explain how we work and what we do. They also help to make our processes and decisions more transparent to the Australian public.
Parent Pathways resources – Chinese Simplified
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Parent Pathways resources available in:
- English
- Arabic
- Assyrian
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Dari
- Vietnamese
Parent Pathways resources
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Parent Pathways resources available in:
- English
- Arabic
- Assyrian
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Dari
- Vietnamese
Parent Pathways resources - Arabic
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Parent Pathways resources available in:
- English
- Arabic
- Assyrian
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Dari
- Vietnamese
Parent Pathways resources - Assyrian
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Parent Pathways resources available in:
- English
- Arabic
- Assyrian
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Dari
- Vietnamese
Parent Pathways resources - Dari
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Parent Pathways resources available in:
- English
- Arabic
- Assyrian
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Dari
- Vietnamese
Parent Pathways resources - Vietnamese
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Parent Pathways resources available in:
- English
- Arabic
- Assyrian
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Dari
- Vietnamese