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PALMIS Newsletter No 22 – 04/02/2025
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The PALMIS newsletter is sent to all registered PALMIS users to keep you informed about important features of the system and how to use them.
PALMIS Newsletter No 20 – 31/10/2024
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The PALMIS newsletter is sent to all registered PALMIS users to keep you informed about important features of the system and how to use them.
PALMIS Newsletter No 21 – 04/12/2024
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The PALMIS newsletter is sent to all registered PALMIS users to keep you informed about important features of the system and how to use them.
Esperance Local Jobs Plan
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The Local Jobs Plan sets out the training and employment challenges and priorities of the region, and associated strategies that will drive the design and implementation of projects to address these challenges.
2025 Audit and Risk Committee Charter
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The Audit and Risk Committee charter sets out the committee’s roles, responsibilities and limitations.
VET Student Loans Statistics
The VET Student Loans Data Collection includes administrative and statistical data about the VET Student Loans program.
VSL Six-monthly report Jul-Dec 2024 Tabel 1 to Table 6 addendum
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Section 103A of the VET Student Loans Act 2016 requires the Secretary to publish certain VET Student Loans (VSL) program statistical information within 42 days after the end of the six month period beginning on 1 January an
VSL Six-monthly report Jul-Dec 2024
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Section 103A of the VET Student Loans Act 2016 requires the Secretary to publish certain VET Student Loans (VSL) program statistical information within 42 days after the end of the six month period beginning on 1 January an
Senate Continuing Order – Listing of Entity Contracts
On 20 June 2001, the Senate agreed to an Order requiring each Minister to table a letter advising that a list of contracts in respect of each entity administered by that Minister has been placed on the Internet with access to the list through
Australian Government Responses
When a parliamentary committee completes an inquiry it tables a report in parliament. Where the inquiry is relevant to our portfolio, we respond to those reports and state what we intend to do.
Australian Government response to the Senate Select Committee on Job Security reports
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On 13 February 2025, the Australian Government published its response to the Senate Select Committee on Job Security Reports.
DEWR Senate Order for Entity Contracts 2024 CY Non-Procurement Contracts Listing
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Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Senate Order Non-Procurement Contracts 2023-24 Financial Year listing.
Meeting 3 Communiqué – 2 July 2024
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The Parents Advisory Group (the Group) held its third meeting on 2 July 2024. The meeting was held virtually. The Group consists of parent representatives, community organisations and an academic expert.
Consultation Guide for businesses
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This consultation guide outlines the discussion topics for businesses to help design a new voluntary service for parents.
Consultation Guide for parents
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This consultation guide outlines the discussion topics for parents to help design a new voluntary service for parents.