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Exploring Careers: Not just a piece of paper webinar
Watch this webinar to learn about the importance of having a resume, even in the digital age.
Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner
The Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner (OFSC) is part of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.
Project life greenfields agreements discussion paper
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The Australian Government invited submissions on the greenfields enterprise agreement provisions in the Fair Work Act 2009 and views on whether and how enterprise agreements might be applied for the life of greenfields projects.
Attracting major infrastructure, resources and energy projects to increase employment: Project life greenfields agreements
Attracting major infrastructure, resources and energy projects to increase employment: Project life greenfields agreements.
Submissions received for the Project life greenfields agreements consultation
Attracting major infrastructure, resources and energy projects to increase employment.
Gifts and Benefits Register: 31 July 2022
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This publication records gifts from the period 1 April 2022 to 30 June 2022.
Cooperative Workplaces discussion paper
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The purpose of the paper is to collect and collate the techniques, structures and practices that produce the most mutually beneficial and productive workplaces for both employees and employers.
Cooperative Workplaces – How can Australia capture productivity improvements from more harmonious workplace relations
This discussion paper was broader in its terms than others in the series arising from the fact that it sought the contribution of broad views and the benefits of practical experiences and techniques from Australians who have advanced, achieved or
Strengthening penalties for non-compliance discussion paper
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This paper provided background information on the penalty framework in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Fair Work Act) and sought input from the community (by way of written submissions) about the operation of the framework.
Submissions received for the Strengthening penalties for non-compliance consultation
Submissions for this consultation closed on 25 October 2019. Submissions received, other than those provided on a confidential basis or deemed inappropriate for publication by the department, are available in alphabetical order.
Service Guarantee - Workforce Australia - Career Transition Assistance (CTA)
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The Service Guarantee for each respective deed reflects the Australia Government's expectations for Workforce Australia employment services to deliver tailored services that support individuals towards employment and ensure they are treated fairly
Service Guarantee - Workforce Australia Online for individuals with Mutual Obligations
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The Service Guarantee for each respective deed reflects the Australia Government's expectations for Workforce Australia employment services to deliver tailored services that support individuals towards employment and ensure they are treated fairly
Service Guarantee - Workforce Australia - Employability Skills Training (EST)
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The Service Guarantee for each respective deed reflects the Australia Government's expectations for Workforce Australia employment services to deliver tailored services that support individuals towards employment and ensure they are treated fairly
Service Guarantee - Self-Employment Assistance (SEA)
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The Service Guarantee for each respective deed reflects the Australia Government's expectations for Workforce Australia employment services to deliver tailored services that support individuals towards employment and ensure they are treated fairly
Service Guarantee - Workforce Australia Transition to Work (TTW)
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The Service Guarantee for each respective deed reflects the Australia Government's expectations for Workforce Australia employment services to deliver tailored services that support individuals towards employment and ensure they are treated fairly