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Terms of Reference for the Review of WHS laws in the construction industry
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This document sets out the Terms of Reference for the 2018 review of work health and safety laws that apply in the building and construction industry. The Department commissioned Seyfarth Shaw Australia to conduct the review.
Issues Paper for the Review of Work Health and Safety Regulatory Framework in the Building and Construction Industry
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The issues paper was released on 29 March 2018 and key building and construction industry stakeholders, including regulators and employer and employee representatives, provided written submissions and/or met with the reviewer.
Review of the WHS regulatory framework in the building and construction industry - Final report
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The national review of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) regulatory framework in the building and construction industry (the review) was completed in 2018.
Review of Workplace Health and Safety laws in the construction industry
The national review of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) regulatory framework in the building and construction industry (the review) was completed in 2018. The review was conducted by Seyfarth Shaw Australia with assistance from the 
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (Fair protection for firefighters) Act 2011 Report December 2013 - Final report
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A Review into the Firefighters' Act was undertaken in December 2013 by Ms Raelene Sharp to assess whether the amendments are operating as intended and whether they have streamlined the determination of claims made by those firefighters seeking com
Review of the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency's Role and Functions - Final report
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The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency's role and functions was reviewed five years after its establishment. The final report from the review was tabled before Parliament on 27 November 2019.
Statutory Review of the role and functions of the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency
The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency is an independent statutory authority. It was established in July 2013 under the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency Act 2013 (the Act).
Submissions received for the Statutory Review of the role and functions of the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency
The Statutory Review of the role and functions of the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency invited submissions from organisations and members of the public.
IP Fact Sheet - Employee Entitlement Verification Frequently Asked Questions
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This fact sheet provides insolvency practitioners with help about common difficulties when compiling employee entitlement information for FEG purposes.
I have unpaid employee entitlements
If you have lost your job because your employer has entered liquidation or bankruptcy and they have not paid you certain employee entitlements, you may be eligible to apply for financial assistance under the Australian Government's Fair Entitlemen
WAD data request form
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A form for requesters to fill out then return to us via our dedicated email link to request data.
Workplace Agreements Database
Providing data on developments in coverage, wage increases and conditions of employment included in Federal Enterprise Agreements.
Introduction to the Workplace Agreements Database Dataset
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This guide will assist people interested in requesting access to the Workplace Agreements Database (WAD) dataset to understand what the dataset contains, and how it can be drawn upon as a valuable research source.
Workplace Agreements Database Self-Assessment Aid - March 2016
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This document provides some simple calculations using the Workplace Agreement Database (WAD) dataset. It is highly recommended that users attempt to reproduce these results before conducting further and more complex analysis.
Reports on Agreement Making
Together with the Fair Work Commission, we compile and publish reports on enterprise agreements in Australia.
Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining – March quarter 2022
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Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining is a quarterly report containing data about the number of enterprise agreements made in the federal workplace relations system, as well as data about the number of employees covered and the level of wage inc
Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining – December quarter 2021
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Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining is a quarterly report containing data about the number of enterprise agreements made in the federal workplace relations system, as well as data about the number of employees covered and the level of wage inc
Trends Technical Notes
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Trends technical notes contain information on how the data for the Trends report is calculated and is to be interpreted as well as data in relation to the proportion employees covered by the various methods of setting wages and conditions.