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Department of Education and Training Annual Report 2017–18
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The annual report contains information on the department's activities during the 2017–18 financial year. The Annual Report was tabled in Parliament on 18 October 2018.
Australian Government response to the Select Committee on Red Tape report: Effect of red tape on occupational licensing – Interim report
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Australian Government response to the Select Committee on Red Tape report: Effect of red tape on occupational licensing – Interim report
Scoping an approach to build better evidence for policy, Final report - June 2018
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This report presents observations and findings from a scoping study delivered on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training, and funded by the Australian Government’s Data Integration Partnership for Australia (DIPA)
Education and Training Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2018–19
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The Education and Training Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2018–19 (PAES).
Senate Order 15 - 2 October 2018 to 28 January 2019 - Skills and Training
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Senate Order 15 - 2 October 2018 to 28 January 2019 - Skills and Training
Education and Training Senate Order for Entity Contracts 2018 listing - Calendar Year
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A list of Education and Training non-procurements contracts for 2018 for the Senate Order for Entity Contracts requirements
Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2019–20
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The Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2019–20 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
Department of Education and Training Budget Statements 2019–20
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The Department of Education and Training Budget Statements 2019–20 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Budget Statements 2019–20
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The ACARA Budget Statements 2019–20 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Budget Statements 2019–20
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The AITSL Budget Statements 2019–20 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
Australian Research Council Budget Statements 2019–20
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The ARC Budget Statements 2019–20 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
Australian Skills Quality Authority Budget Statements 2019–20
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The ASQA Budget Statements 2019–20 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Budget Statements 2019–20
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The TEQSA Budget Statements 2019–20 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
Departmental File List - 1 July to 31 December 2018
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List of departmental files created from 1 July to 31 December 2018 in Excel and PDF format