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Senate Order 15 - 29 January to 14 March 2019 - Skills and Training
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Senate Order 15 - 29 January to 14 March 2019 - Skills and Training
The Department of Education and Training Section 24(1) Determination
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The Department of Education and Training Section 24(1) Determination
Generalist Career Pathway
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Do you want to be part of something bigger — leading projects that maximise prosperity and opportunity through national leadership on education and making a real difference to the people and communities of Australia?
Fraud and Corruption Control Strategy
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Fraud and Corruption Control Strategy outlines how the department protects public money and data, and supports the department and its stakeholders to prevent, protect and respond to fraud and corruption.
Department of Education Senate Order for Entity Contracts 2018 -19 listing - Financial Year
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A list of Department of Education non-procurements contracts active in 2018-19 FY to meet the Senate Order for Entity Contracts requirements
Department of Education and Training Annual Report 2018–19
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The annual report contains information on the department's activities during the 2018 –19 financial year. The Annual Report was tabled in Parliament on 14 October 2019.
Skills councils and committees
Information on the councils and committees that advise, support and make decisions to progress skills and training matters.
Executive Remuneration
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Australian Government Department of Education and Training Executive Remuneration Report 2017-18
Education and Training Senate Order for Entity Contracts 2016-17 listing
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A list of Education and Training non-procurements contracts for 2016-17 for the Senate Order for Entity Contracts requirements
Departmental File List – 1 January to 30 June 2017
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Procedural Order of Continuing Effect Number 12 requires each Department to publish a list of the titles of all relevant files, including new parts of exisiting files, created in the preceding six months commencing on 1 January to 30 July 201
Department of Education and Training Annual Report 2016–17
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The annual report contains information on the department's activities during the 2016–17 financial year. The Annual Report was tabled in Parliament on 25 October 2017.
Procedures for Determining Breaches of the APS Code of Conduct and Deciding Sanctions
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The procedures apply in determining whether a person who is an APS employee in the department or a former APS employee in the department at the time of the suspected misconduct has breached the APS Code of Conduct.
Education and Training Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2017–18
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The Education and Training Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2017–18 (PAES).
Education and Training Senate Order for Entity Contracts 2017-18 listing
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A list of Education and Training non-procurements contracts for 2017-18 for the Senate Order for Entity Contracts requirements
Senate Order file listing - Department of Education and Training - 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2017
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List of departmental files created from 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2017 in Excel and PDF format