Reading Writing Hotline

The Reading Writing Hotline (the hotline) provides a national phone service for adults seeking English language, literacy and numeracy referral information, advice and support.

The hotline provides information on:

  • adult reading, writing and numeracy classes held locally across Australia  or via correspondence
  • becoming a literacy volunteer
  • adult language, literacy and numeracy teaching and learning resources
  • Commonwealth-funded programs for language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills
  • Commonwealth-funded English as a second language programs for migrants
  • literacy and numeracy in the workplace for employers.

Further information is available at the Reading Writing Hotline website or phone 1300 655 506.

Reading Writing Hotline evaluation

Since 2015 there has been ongoing evaluation embedded into the strategic improvements budget for the Reading Writing Hotline. The Hotline management group and evaluation team from Social Equity Works developed a Program Logic Model to frame the evaluation process and undertook both process evaluation (of the processes and systems underpinning the Hotline) and a longitudinal study of callers.

The evaluation found that the Hotline is successful in meeting its goals and objectives. It provides accurate and timely referral advice and resources to adult Australians who call the service. The increase in quality of provision that has resulted from the employment of adult literacy teachers to staff the Hotline has been apparent, as it allows a thoughtful and engaged diagnosis of the caller need. The next phase of the evaluation focuses on two key areas: the increase in calls from Indigenous Australians and the effectiveness of literacy resources.

Read the Final Evaluation Report 2018