Meeting 4 Communiqué – 5 September 2024

The Parents Advisory Group (the Group) held its fourth meeting on 5 September 2024.

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The Parents Advisory Group (the Group) held its fourth meeting on 5 September 2024. The meeting was held virtually. The Group consists of parent representatives, community organisations and an academic expert. The community organisations attending the meeting included:

  • Antipoverty Centre
  • Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)
  • Brave Foundation
  • Brotherhood of St Laurence
  • Council of Single Mothers and their Children
  • Settlement Council of Australia
  • Single Mother Families Australia

The Department presented the name and final brand of the new service, which is to be called Parent Pathways. The Department provided an overview of how previous feedback from members and other stakeholders has been incorporated into the final design, alongside illustrative examples of how the branding may be applied in Parent Pathways products and offices.

The Department presented the Parent Pathways Service Guarantee to members, noting how feedback received from the Group at a previous session in May regarding parents’ expectations of service delivery was used to inform the development of the Service Guarantee and training requirements for provider staff.

Members provided feedback on how the clarity and content of the document could be improved for parents. The final Service Guarantee will be displayed in provider offices and given to parents during their first discussion with their mentor.

Members provided suggestions for service delivery, such as flexible or hybrid servicing if face-to-face meetings are not practical for a parent, and ensuring appropriate levels of training for staff to ensure they can support and cater to parents with higher needs children during face-to-face appointments. Member feedback was sought regarding the Service Guidelines for providers of Parent Pathways, with a focus on the clarity and terminology of the chapters surrounding Goal Plans and Parent Funds. Members’ feedback on the Guidelines will be considered for inclusion in the document.

The Department provided updates to members regarding items raised at previous meetings, including the policy for transfers from Parent Pathways to other employment services; issues from having one provider per location; possible unintended consequences of requiring staff with lived experience; and the APS Pilot.

The next meeting will take place in November.

Meeting 4 Communiqué – 5 September 2024


The Parents Advisory Group (the Group) held its fourth meeting on 5 September 2024. The meeting was held virtually. The Group consists of parent representatives, community organisations and an academic expert

Meeting 4 Communique 5 September 2024.pdf