Training Package Assurance Activity Outcomes

The Assurance Body assesses training package product submissions prepared by Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs). Training products that meet the standards and policies within the Training Package Organising Framework, are recommended to Skills Minsters for endorsement.

On this page:

Training Package activities

The Training Package activities table displays information on submissions that have been received by the Assurance Body for assessment.

The table:

  • indicates when a Training Package activity has been progressed to Skills Ministers for endorsement
  • will be updated with the endorsement outcome following Skills Ministers’ consideration and will include any conditions related to the endorsement decision
JSCActivity IDActivity TitleTraining PackageStatusOutcome DateEndorsement OutcomeConditions
Public Skills AustraliaGEP_ANN_2324_001Updates to POL QualificationsPOL Police Training PackageComplete14 February 2024EndorsedN/A
Skills InsightAFP_ANN_2223_002AHC Training Package ProjectAHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training PackageComplete23 April 2024EndorsedN/A
Skills InsightAFP_ANN_2223_003Tree Felling Safety ProjectFWP Forest and Wood Products Training PackageComplete23 April 2024EndorsedN/A
Industry Skills AustraliaTAL_ANN_2324_001Chain of Responsibility Regulatory RevisionTLI Transport and Logistics Training PackageComplete3 July 2024EndorsedN/A
Industry Skills AustraliaTAL_ANN_2324_002Marine Order 505 Licensing and Regulatory InformationMAR Maritime Training PackageComplete14 November 2024EndorsedN/A
Industry Skills AustraliaTAL_ANN_2324_008Vessel Traffic Services ProjectMAR Maritime Training PackageComplete14 November 2024EndorsedN/A
Future Skills OrganisationEGR_ANN_2324_002Update ICT30519 Certificate III in Telecommunications TechnologyICT Information and Communications Technology Training PackageComplete10 December 2024Endorsed with conditionsRefer to Note
Skills InsightAFP_ANN_2324_003AHC - Livestock and FeedlotAHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training PackageComplete3 February 2025EndorsedN/A
Skills InsightAFP_ANN_2324_004AHC - Shearing and Wool ClassingAHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training PackageComplete3 February 2025EndorsedN/A
Powering Skills OrganisationPSO_CAF_2425_001UEERA0051 ReviewUEE ElectrotechnologyProgressed for EndorsementN/AN/AN/A
Public Skills AustraliaPSA_ANN_2425_003Police Investigation Training Product DevelopmentPOL Police Training PackageProgressed for EndorsementN/AN/AN/A

Note: The JSC update superseded unit/s of competency in the qualification within a reasonable timeframe agreed to with the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. – Back to table

For further information on the Training Package Assurance Body or activities, contact the team via email at