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Workforce Australia Activities Data
Workforce Australia offers a range of activities to help people build their skills, confidence, and gain experience to get a job.
Workforce Australia Employment Fund Data
The Digital Services Contact Centre and Providers can access the Employment Fund to purchase a wide range of relevant goods and services to help people find and retain a job – including wage subsidies, work related items, training courses, profess
Western Melbourne Local Jobs Plan
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The Local Jobs Plan sets out the training and employment challenges and priorities of the region, and associated strategies that will drive the design and implementation of projects to address these challenges.
JobActive Service Delivery Plan for Employers and Job Seekers 1 July 2015 to 1 July 2021
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Service Delivery Plans for Employers and Job Seekers 1 July 2015 to 1 July 2021.
Meeting 4 Communiqué – 5 September 2024
The Parents Advisory Group (the Group) held its fourth meeting on 5 September 2024.
Workforce Australia Wage Subsidies Data
Wage subsidies are for new ongoing employment positions and can be for a full-time, part-time, casual, a traineeship or apprenticeship position.
VET Workforce Blueprint
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The VET Workforce Blueprint has been developed in collaboration with states and territories to provide a roadmap to grow, support and sustain the VET workforce.
Employment of Indigenous Liaison Officers or equivalent
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Employment of Indigenous Liaison Officers or equivalent and position descriptions.
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations – 2024 APS Employee Census Highlights Report
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The Australian Public Service (APS) Employee Census is an annual survey which is used to collect confidential attitude and opinion information from staff on important issues in the workplace.
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations - 2024 APS Employee Census Action Plan
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The department's APS Employee Census Action Plan accompanies the department's 2024 APS Employee Census results. The Action Plan outlines actions and outcomes to address key findings from our Census results.
Welcome to Country invoices received by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations in the 2022/23 financial year and the 2023/24 financial year
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Welcome to Country invoices received by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.
JobActive scheme between 1 July 2015 and 12 May 2021
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Guidelines on the Frameworks and changes to the Job Seeker Classification Instrument questions.
APS Employee Census
The Australian Public Service (APS) Employee Census is an annual survey conducted across the APS, designed to collect feedback from all staff on their experiences working in the department.
Workforce Australia Online Performance Measures
Workforce Australia Online commenced on 4 July 2022. The Workforce Australia Online services Performance Measures aim to support transparency on the performance of this service.
Performance measures will be reported quarterly.
Jobs Showcase
The Jobs Showcase is a series of educational webinars that profile industries with demand for workers. Attendees can hear from guest speakers including employers, employees, and industry experts.
Workforce Specialists
On 14 May 2024, the Australian Government announced it will cease approving new projects under the Workforce Specialists initiative, effective immediately. Projects currently being delivered will continue until completion.
Pathway to Transport and Logistics
The Pathway to Transport and Logistics project delivered by Workforce Specialist Driver Risk Management is a pre-employment program to assist up to 200 participants over 10 tranches to overcome barriers to employment and prepare themselv
Australian Skills Guarantee Model Clauses
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The Australian Skills Guarantee Model Clauses can be included by Commonwealth entities in approach to market, contract or panel arrangement documentation, as relevant, to give effect to the requirements of the Australian Skills Guarantee Procureme
Seeking feedback on Australian Skills Guarantee discussion paper
The Skills Guarantee discussion paper on setting targets for major ICT projects is now available. The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations invites you to read the discussion paper and make a submission.
JobExplore Industry Pathways
The JobExplore Industry Pathways project, delivered by Workforce Specialist The Finer Line, was an industry-targeted pilot pathway to employment in New South Wales.