The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations regularly publishes data related to the delivery of employment services.
Contextual information about this data
Each data release will be accompanied by contextual information to provide clarity on our data means.
Our releases will include a glossary of the definitions of each data term and will also be accompanied by metadata releases documenting them in more detail.
Metadata is now available for some data sets in DEWR’s ISO-11179 metadata registry, hosted by the Aristotle platform. As more metadata becomes available, it will be added to this link.
To learn more about ISO-11179 metadata and how to navigate the metadata for our data releases, see the Metadata Cheat Sheet.
Employment Services Program/Provider Locations
Employment service programs are delivered by providers (Providers) across Australia. To see where Providers are located, follow below link to our interactive map.
Participant Survey Data
The department uses participant surveys to collect information about the experiences of different groups of people in employment services, including satisfaction and employment and education outcomes. Information about participant surveys and reports that contain this data can be found in the link below.
Points Based Activation System Data
Meeting Points Based Activation System (PBAS) requirements is one of the core mutual obligation requirements in Workforce Australia. The PBAS Public Data Report includes data on how often people met their requirements, the requirements that clients were set, and what tasks and activities clients submitted to earn points. PBAS data is published quarterly.
Self-Employment Assistance Data
The Self-Employment Assistance program helps people turn their business idea or an existing small business into a viable business. A range of data is published monthly pertaining to the people who participate in the program.
Targeted Compliance Framework (TCF)
Job seeker compliance data is published by the department including data for the Targeted Compliance Framework (TCF) and historical data for previous compliance frameworks. The TCF Public Data Report includes key statistics relating to TCF zone status, payment suspensions, applied demerits, capability interviews, capability assessments, and financial penalties. TCF data is published quarterly.
Workforce Australia Activities Data
Workforce Australia offers a range of activities to support people to build their skills and find employment. Activities data is published quarterly and show the type of activities different cohorts of people participate in.
Workforce Australia Caseload Data
Caseload data relates to the people who participate in Workforce Australia and includes cohorts such as sex by age groups, Indigenous Australians, People with Disability, amongst many others. The department publishes caseload data on a monthly basis.
Workforce Australia Employment Fund Data
The Employment Fund allows the Digital Services Contact Centre and Providers to purchase eligible goods and services to support people to find and retain jobs. This could include training courses, work related items, wage subsidies, and more. Employment Fund data is released quarterly.
Workforce Australia Wage Subsidies Data
Financial support is available to businesses that hire eligible individuals for new ongoing employment positions. Wage subsidies data include information on occupation, gender, age, amongst others. This data is released quarterly.
Data publication schedule
To see when data is released, view our publication schedule.