Pathway to Transport and Logistics

The Pathway to Transport and Logistics project delivered by Workforce Specialist Driver Risk Management is a pre-employment program to assist up to 200 participants over 10 tranches to overcome barriers to employment and prepare themselves for a career in the Transport, Postal and Warehousing industry.

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The project is available to all Workforce Australia Services, Workforce Australia Online and Transition to Work participants, including all ages and cohorts. It is being delivered in Western Australia, targeting Perth and Bunbury.

The project aims to prepare participants for entry level positions in the Transport, Postal and Warehousing industry, including as automotive drivers, couriers, valet parkers, postal delivery drivers, warehousing and warehousing fitters.

The project sees participants:

  • complete accredited and non-accredited units of competency
  • prepare for employment opportunities through résumé and interview assistance
  • participate in an elevator pitch session to promote their capabilities in front of employers
  • be offered entry-level employment opportunities
  • receive 4 weeks of post placement support, and
  • receive up to 20 driving lessons (if eligible).

The final intake will commence in Perth on 25 November 2024 and the project will cease on 1 May 2025.

For more information about the project contact the Workforce Specialists team at