Workforce of the Future - What do Employers Want?

Industry experts take an in-depth look at what employers need to access an adaptable, well-trained and job ready workforce.

In this first event for 2021 three prominent business minds took an in-depth look at what employers need to access an adaptable, well-trained and job ready workforce

As business and government look for ways to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, the capacity to grow, compete and thrive in a global economy is highly dependent on employers and individuals accessing the right skills at the right time.

This live streamed event featured guest panellists Alex Badanoch, Group Executive, Transformation, Communications and People – Telstra, Liz Cohen, Chief Executive - Cara - Disability Service Provider and Vicki Nichols– Learning and Development Business Partner - Rio Tinto.

Featuring guest speakers

Alex Badenoch
Liz Cohen
VIcki Nichols
Catherine McGrath